Xena has freaked out


Metal as fuck
Aug 24, 2001
Blue Mountains, Australia
Xena had a weird mood swing today at Penrith Plaza. She nearly threw a plate of food at someone because I accidentally ordered the wrong thing from the Chinese takeaway and they wouldn't change it. She just snapped and went mental. This baby better get borned soon before she murders someone.
Sounds like you need to call the plumber... or at least get the plunger out and start plunging yourself!

I guess they don't induce babies until they're way overdue or there's an important medical reason... Brian, maybe explain your life is in danger and they might allow it!
Coops, your sensitivity to the situation overwhelms me! :D

Just hang in there Xena.... I know that stuff can really freak you out!
Moon Childagain said:
Coops, your sensitivity to the situation overwhelms me! :D

Why thank you I am very sensitive aren't I? ...oh wait... I smell something that stinks a little like sarcasm!!! :p

In all seriousness, good luck with it B and X. I may have missed it along the track, but have you got names thought up?

If it's a boy I'm placing bets on him being called Jon Richie Tico David Fischer-Giffin :D
Both of our kids have been late, and there appears to be a very close correlation to the better half's sudden interest in the natural forms of prostoglandin to try to hurry things along.
I'm surprised Xena didn't freak out about the fact that there was a thread started by her husband saying that she freaked out. :err: ;)
The world would be so boring if all spelling was phonetic. In fact it would be more like America. I hate how their spelling is weeding its way into ours. Fine, spell shit the way you guys say it, but I don't want to have to see it spelled that in this country where we say it differently.