What is metal? Thoughts...

I agree with you about warrant troops, as soon as it wasnt fashionable to be "glam" they changed to grunge. Now, I loved their glam stuff and i will admit to enjoying their "grunge" stuff as well (ultraphobic is a very very good album!) but they are the absolute definition of selling out.
Metallica didnt sell out, they just arent good anymore, warrant did. :)
To be honest Troops, I'm not too impressed with Poison's renunion, tour and new recordings.

That being said, I still cannot get enough of the Crack A Smile album. Have you heard it? I think it's great.
A real shame it laid in waste for 6 years.:grin:
Nup I haven't heard Crack A Smile yet!

Spawny: I haven't even heard all of ultraphobic. I've just heard a couple of odd post-Dog Eat Dog tracks and I was turned off them alot.

By the way, Dog Eat Dog is a great Warrant album, even though their first un-glammy one, it still had a fun heavy metal attitude, and musically probably their best. Still, Cherry Pie and DRFSR are my favourites! I can't get enough of them :)
Troops, get the songs followed, undertow and sum of one, that gives you a good idea of the music on ultraphobic, but you are right, their glam stuff is the best!
Mark enabling the "Similair threads" feature = Hilarity ensues :)

Threads were better back then before they went all nu...
I see that this is the resurrection of a very old thread... anyway, whether or not glam (or nu) metal is actually 'metal' really depends on who you ask. The word 'metal' covers so many different styles of music that sound absolutely nothing like each other. People who like really extreme styles such as death or black metal will probably dismiss 80s metal as happy pop crap, and likewise the old school fans will think that modern 'metal' goes against all the original ideologies of metal (there are no solos, rapping and other non metal influences come into it etc) and so it is not 'true'. So it's all relative... depending on different people's ideas about what metal actually is.
I didn't consider the likes of MC and Poison to be metal in 1988, and nothing's changed to make them metal now!
alan3827 said:
this is fucking stupid. bands like poison and motley crue are NOT real metal. Fuck that glam cockrock trend that could only live in the 80s. REAL METAL from the 80's lives on forever.


Hell yeah, especially because nearly all the bands in the 80s that played REAL METAL now f**king suck, or are a pale imitation of their former selves, or play hard rock, or broke up, whereas the glam bands still play the same stuff.

I also liked how you said that glam could only live in the 80s, and you are right, people woke up to how silly it looked, but metal bands still seem to think Dungeons And Dragons is cool, and songs about "Fighting for true metal with the sword of steel (steel is a metal!) and their hearts burning for the metal cause, and their metal brothers... METAL!" are far cooler than songs about partying and girls.