Question for you Rage Fans...

Pixelherder said:
I would definitely recommend reviving it. It's info like this that's hard to find sometimes, and is instrumental in introducing new listeners to this band.

My wife is encouraging me to revive it as well. I'll scan through my backup archives to try and find the most recent version as a rough starting point. I'll post what I can find though right away just for nostalgia purposes.

ratanda said:
Certain Days is my all time favorite Rage song. It would have been nice if they played it.

Agreed 100 percent.

ratanda said:
How long ago was that? I'm sure I must have seen it.

I believe I started the site in 1989 and ran it until 1996. It had several redesigns over the years until it ended up as just a streamlined discography interface. If I recreate it, I'll make it something much more state of the art. It would be completely dynamic (database driven with templates) and I'd really like to provide some form of read interaction (perhaps just a comment system to start with). The wheels are definitely in motion to bring it back though, so stay tuned...

Se7enChurches, I just noticed your comment about Blind Guardian's energy and mosh pits. I agree, they didn't excite the crowd as much as, oh, Edguy.

On a side note, when they were in Chicago with SymX, a mosh pit did break out. (Hey Med!)
