question on fairness


Nov 9, 2001
So I have some effects units that broke in shipping which TC Electronic said they'd fix for free. However they discovered that one unit had been superglued by us in a ttempt to repair it so they charged me 100 bucks for that repair.

The thing is, when it broke, Nick our guitarist said he could fix it, and superglued it, thus rendering it totally useless, whereas before you could still use the unit, it just had no knobs. After the glue job the unit was completely useless.

However, I'm the owner of the effects unit. Is it fair for me to ask Nick to at least help with if not cover completely the cost of the repair, which, if not for the glue job, would have been free to fix?

Sam says no but I say yes. What does everyone else think?
Depending on the sequence of events contained within "Nick our guitarist said he could fix it", it is FAIR (unless he really didn't even want to try, and you were pressuring him to do so, et cetera). That doesn't mean you should do it.

I would be interested to hear Sam's reasoning as to why it's not fair.
No, it was his idea and he was confident he could fix it. After he glued it stuck, he said he was sorry he fucked it up. From what I recall of our conversation Sam said it's unfair because Nick was just trying to help me out, as well as me not complaining when Nick assured me he could fix it.
Well, it's not really fair to bill Nick if you guys thought it was done for and you'd have to pay to repair it or trash it, anyway, and he was like "Let me give it a shot."
look, if i was forced to front this $100 or interact with opeth boardians and treat them as square, liberal, living breathing humans and thus satiate the ideals of one falsetodd... yeah, i'd pay the $100 bucks. fusoya do you do paypal?
The real question is "Who thought that something damaged in shipping wouldn't be repaired by the shipper?" If Nick convinced you it wouldn't, maybe he shares blame, but if you assumed it yourself, it's hard to stick him with the whole cost.
xfer said:
Well, it's not really fair to bill Nick if you guys thought it was done for and you'd have to pay to repair it or trash it, anyway, and he was like "Let me give it a shot."

No, it was more like Nick is a handyman and prides himself on that fact and gets great pleasure out of fixing things. He was trying to fulfill his desire to come to the rescue, as usual. Always an admirable thing but unfortunately sometimes things get superglued stuck.
see, well, that was your perception of it, and maybe it was or wasn't the actuality. what i'm saying is the fairness of it depends heavily on the actual words and stuff you and him said; by your vague-ish descriptions alone, it could go either way.