question(s) about unicorn


Mar 26, 2008
Firstly, sorry if this has been asked/posted before but I couldn't find it anywhere.

I just purchased Unicorn's 93 and 95 albums ('ever since' and 'emotional wasteland') and was curious as to how many copies of these albums have been made? Also, does anyone have information regarding Unicorn's demo tapes as they seem to get a good wrap.

How do you guys rate these albums? Favourite songs?

Cheers guys.
I love both Unicorn albums, with Emotional Wasteland being among Dan's best. I only wish they had better production. Maybe one day, Dan will re-record them with his current vocals. He's never sounded better than he did on White Darkness.
"I recall the happy years we had under the sun
But in the darkness where I am, all the happiness is gone"

I love that song. Uplifting and sad at the same time.