question: some guy offered me $40 for these two things, should i sell?


Aug 2, 2002
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one is a wood box (i think i posted it before) with a robot and garbage in it. the other is my painting of the rabbit robot.
im not sure if that is a good price? BE HONEST PLZ THX.


(merci nix for the hosting)
nick, you think? i mean, it's not like i get many offers and i didnt figure anyone would ever want to buy anything of mine... i am just afraid i will be like BOOOOO because i am so attached to them. sadly.
My opinion, if you feel like you will miss them don't sell them. Once the right amount of money does come along you shouldn't really have much of a problem parting with it. That's the way I feel anyhows.
if i had the $, i'd give you $50 for the box.

yeah, definitely the_preppy. $50. or nothing.

maybe it's me, but i always feel it ridiculous to offer something unrounded like that. if they can't make it an even $50, which is absolute peanuts nowadays... then have them make it themselves. let's see if or how they do it. a goddamn magazine costs $10!

my opinion is based on getting scorched, though.
well, see the rabbit painting was one that i did demonstrationally for the same person. he said 'paint freddy' so i painted that, it's just on flimsy watercolor paper and not actually on canvas board or something solid. it's lumpy and stained from the soaking in of the oil paint. josh, i am flattered! honestly, i think i would rather just give josh the painting for free and nick the box (i made the box in honor of nix anyway!)
thanks for the advice and stuff dudes. the guy is nice. but like, i sort of feel weird since you know... you're right. $40 is like, a few metrocards and lunch for 2 days.
thanks. i am so glad people like it. it looks a bit different irl. but i was kind of liking it myself but wasn't sure if it was delusional of me.