should i sell my marshall 1960av slant..


Oct 12, 2007
The North
im kinda thinking of switching to mesa oversize recto cab, this marshall has been really reliable for the past 2 years of playing shows.. i had both cabs at one period of short time but could never compared them at gig volumes so i sold the mesa because it had cosmetic isue's (torn front,paint on it) because i didnt know how old or how reliable it was and i had purchased my marshall brand new, therefore i knew it was safe and reliable.. i realize now that was probably a mistake..

i did use the search function and found the mesa marshall shoot out thread, but my question here is more so about the live use and sound of these cabinets,

alot of people swear by them, and recently i got to play out of one loud with a 5150 and a 2:90/triaxis and it just sounded much bigger than the 1960av cab. so i was just looking for some pros and cons between the two for live use.

so the things i did learn from search

mesa=big and tight has real V'30s

marshall= directionally picky and some say fizzy, has modified v'30s

what do you guys prefer playing live with a full band?
Depends on the style of rock/metal and depends on what you like hearing from your bass player. I prefer Marshall and Peavey cabs live, but I play old school thrash/heavy metal. So, I need brighter tone live. I find that oversized cabs get away from me a little, in the low end, and I don't want to accidently bury my bass player. That could be just me though. Wait and see what some other guys say about tonal possibilities with the Mesa. a lot of these guys have used them WAY more than I have. I only used the Mesa on one tour.
the marshall will be brighter and more agressive.

What's this about modified V30's ? I thought the marshall AV & BV cabs where just regular V30's with a different sticker on it ?

I' would not prefer an oversized cab live, can get too boomy real quick.
Nope, specially made for Marshall, 70 watts, and slightly brighter (just as the V30s in Mesas are specially made, 70 watts, and slightly darker)
Yeah. I prefer the ones in the Marshall's myself. Madison uses Vintage 30's now as well, but I'll have to ask Hitch if there is anything specific about them.
Yea we had 2 Marshall 1960 cabs in the studio and a Mesa and it was night and day between them. Mesa just walked all over the Marshall. Ive since sold my Marshall and got a older Mesa cab (with the metal grill) in a road case but i defiantly want new recto cab!
Yea i tried that Orange cab with v30 and no casters at my local guitar store and it kicked some serious ass! The Engl cabs do as well. I would take either of them or a Mesa without a second though.
alright guys, thank you for the input!

im definately going to check out the orange cabs.

i think for now im just going to keep the marshall and save up for the mesa, if i dont like ill just sell it back.. but im pretty sure ill like it :)