Question to all Imagika fans?


Oct 6, 2003
I'm sitting here listening to the unmixed/unmastered recordings for "Devil's On Both Sides and am really digging them. For those of you that have seen us live lately or heard a bit of our new material (One way or another) what did you think of it? Any songs that stood out in your mind? I'm interested in hearing some comments.

NP - Imagika - Spellbound (Unmixed)
savascream said:
I'm sitting here listening to the unmixed/unmastered recordings for "Devil's On Both Sides and am really digging them. For those of you that have seen us live lately or heard a bit of our new material (One way or another) what did you think of it? Any songs that stood out in your mind? I'm interested in hearing some comments.

NP - Imagika - Spellbound (Unmixed)

Well the stuff is all rather dated and the guitars are not Nu-school enuff and the singer..........................jeez don't get me goin' on the singer! LOL!

fossil said:
Well the stuff is all rather dated and the guitars are not Nu-school enuff and the singer..........................jeez don't get me goin' on the singer! LOL!


I agree with this guy.

Yawn, I heard 3 songs and I wasn't that interested because it's not
satanic enough. Korn's new record is really satanic.
The songs sound too old metal and you should try something current
like Papa Roach which is all about feeling something which all your old
style metal lacks extremely and I don't really see any more soul in singing about slaying dragons and trolls than in any nu-metal song which you can bounce to. Your lyrics are boring they don't talk about anything real like
how shitty life can be and the songs aren't angry enough and there's no
shouting it's just lots of that boring old-metal la-la-la gay ness.
There's not enough curse words in the lyrics, and there's more than 2 chords in your songs so it's hard for me to jump up and down and bounce.

I'd rather listen to tr00 bands like Mudvayne and Slipknot.

P.S. There's not enuff chunky groove in the guitars and the guitar should
be turned down a full step to DGCFAD instead bekuz standard tuning is
old and boring.
savascream said:
I'm sitting here listening to the unmixed/unmastered recordings for "Devil's On Both Sides and am really digging them. For those of you that have seen us live lately or heard a bit of our new material (One way or another) what did you think of it? Any songs that stood out in your mind? I'm interested in hearing some comments.

NP - Imagika - Spellbound (Unmixed)

Strurdy, durable and at times hateful and aggressive.
Play faster live fuks!
I really think that you guys need female vocals , keyboards and violins. You would become a much better band if you had all these things

Bear said:
I really think that you guys need female vocals , keyboards and violins. You would become a much better band if you had all these things

Ooohhh...don't say THAT!!! Then they'll REALLY put the pressure on me to sing back ups. ;)
