Question to the Band


New Metal Member
Apr 9, 2006

On it says in the Tourdates-Section that you will play at Wacken 2006, but on you aren't confirmed (yet?)! So I wanted to ask if you will actually play there or not!? I really hope so, that would be awesome!

Anyway, thanks for the answer!

Greets, Myxin
asgeir said:
That's utter bull since they offered us only 1.000 euros...
We're not playing any shows after Inferno in a couple of days.

- Asgeir

hehe damn..that would be like my best chance to see ya live..(Wacken that is) oh well, guess I will have to wait a few more years :erk:
asgeir said:
That's utter bull since they offered us only 1.000 euros...
We're not playing any shows after Inferno in a couple of days.

- Asgeir

That's pretty crappy =/

The min i'd expect would be 4k, it's pretty much a standard for any band i've ever seen play. =/
Those Wacken people are a bunch of greedy businessmen - I'd advise everybody to avoid that festival. I've been there from 1997 to 2000 every year, and it's only become worse for a fan while the prices keep increasing. Bad organization, and I've heard that they treat bands like shit...maybe your European Milwaukee?:heh:
That kinda sucks. There are shit loads of bands out there that would play for free. But it depends on the people obviously, having families and everything makes life different.
karpsmom said:
That kinda sucks. There are shit loads of bands out there that would play for free. But it depends on the people obviously, having families and everything makes life different.

Correct. I mean if we were 18 years old with no obligations..then it would be just to "hit the road" we're "old" with families, work and some serious amounts of bills to pay...we can't just go on tour for free beer..

mr V
Occam's Razor said:
Those Wacken people are a bunch of greedy businessmen - I'd advise everybody to avoid that festival. I've been there from 1997 to 2000 every year, and it's only become worse for a fan while the prices keep increasing. Bad organization, and I've heard that they treat bands like shit...maybe your European Milwaukee?:heh:

Don't get me started with that crap, especially the Milwaukee Metal Fest's owner. He attempted to do that kind of thing here in California in 1999.

It failed miserably. Most of the people in the audience ended up being the band members that were playing the show and he was charging bands (local bands, anyway) $1,000 each to play.

Venom was also supposed to play their first U.S. show since 1985, but cancelled.