Question to think about

i used to do that, when people where loading on the bus to leave school, id take the door and push on side of it closed which would close the other side picnhin whoever was infront of me in the door
Originally posted by Windom Pearl
Isn´t there somesorta button in the frontside of the car they push to close, or at least open, the doors. I recall I´ve seen that happen.
Yep, I've seen it happen too.

But a new question to think about. Do you know that kind of toothpaste where they've got two colors, for example white and blue? And when you squeeze it on a toothbrush, there comes to "separate" things, the colors aren't mixed. So, how can that be possible? How can they stay separate? There isn't any dividing thing inside or anything.
Maybe the toothpaste is like a box of 3-type ice cream...or 2-type in this the left half is white and the right half is blue...when you squeeze it I think it should come out like it does.....maybe, dunno...

Just thought of something a little bizzare...kinda cool actually. You know how when you look up at the stars, you're actually looking into the past, because it takes a couple of thousand years for the light to reach the earth. So if you see a star exploding, you're actually seeing an event that happened a couple of thousand years ago or more or whatever.

So what if some alien is looking at us from way back there...that means they're looking into the past as well. So we're living in the past relevant to distant objects. Cool huh?