Question to Vintersorg


Scaldic Art
Jan 11, 2002
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Could you tell us more what kind of music lessons you had?Maybe concenvatory, sing lessons or guitar lessons. And if you had for how long? You said once in a interview you play blues, jazz, folk and so on. Do you play this music nowadays too? Can you tell us more how you learn making this great music?:)
I haven't taken any music classes at all, just been sitting at home trying to figure out how the instruments and vocal harmonies are built up and work. I've been playing in many, many bands, experiencing a wide scale of the music spectra, and that's why what i write turns out this way I guess, blending elements from several styles to the fusion what now lives under the banner Vintersorg................
forgive for being a little ignorant. i heard Cosmic Genesis and read the credits would you mind explaining which person inspired you to write which song or lines?(sorry i like making hard questions

is there a chance you coming to mexico?
what does Vintersorg mean? i guess it means winter song doesn it?
would u mind if i named a character in my roleplaying chronicle after your alias(vintersorg)?