Questions for the girls- gear and technique


New Metal Member
Aug 29, 2012

1. Have Nita or Courteney ever tried Engl amps? If yes, what they think about them?
2. When you prepair songs , do you transcribe by ear or you use tabs or maybe somebody else helps you in some way?


when you go on tours do you take your own ' mixer person' with you who is responsible for the overall sound of the band?
I think each amp is made for the right player. Engl amps are not that amp for me. Nothing against them, I've heard them sound great, I just wouldn't use one myself.

I learn the songs by ear except the occasional lick when I have to bang on Courtney's door and make her teach it to me. :headbang:
thanks Nita for reply. you suggest that it has to do with articulation? Do you think that ubershall can 'transfer' your articulation better when compared to marshall or any other amp?
2.Maybe it has to do just with a sound that given amp produces and you like how one amp sounds and you dislike how another amp sounds?
3. Is it Ibanez S that you play in this clip? Do you remember which model is this ?

thanks Courteney for reply. If you don't mind I have one more question. When you play rhythm parts, riffs etc do you pluck strings with pointed ending of the pick or you just use oval ending of the pick?
Hi guys

I am the one who is interested in guitar gear and technique of playing and all that is related to those two. I don't want to place questions about gear on the forum . I consulted admin and was advised to create this thread where questions about gear can be placed. It is going to work like some kind of sticky or sth. If you have some free time one day it could be cool idea to visit gear thread I think. I have a question for today if you don't mind.

1. Do Nita, Courteney or Nili use some kind of volume pedals so that solos can better cut through the band? It is always good idea to have few decibels of volume more when you do soloing. How is this dealt with in ' Iron Maidens'?
not a fan of the engl amp :( always found them to be too noisy

That explains why Nevermore is so noisy. 7 string downtuned half step + Engl = racket. I'm surprised how many fans are not crazy about that and prefer Loomis's 6-string days.
I still wonder why the seventh string was ' discovered' for guitar? In bass guitars they need more strings for bass lines in jazz as far as I know but why seven strings for solo rock guitar?

I really like the Iron Maidens at the NAMM playing The Trooper on Youtube. The guy's voice in the beginning is hilarious. In this video clip he pans down to the Boss foot pedals that Nita and Courtney are using. Love BOSS. I still own a Boss ME-5 sounds great.

Is Kirsten Rosenberg related to the Jim Rosenberg- The president of Epiphone Guitars? Just wondering.

Iron Maidens rock :headbang:
CC has fans on the Vandenberg signature fan page over on FB. You just don't see alot of the old vandenbergs around any more but you would be surprised how many still seek them out. And they have grown in popularity again making the The actual Vandenberg not the V-type. I like the sound you both get in Turboworm's vid from Green Valley ranch. I can't get that raw sound CC gets from her Valveking no matter which guitar I use. So I use the JSX with my Vandenbergs. I own a custom RG550 with Vai's Evolution pickup setup but it leaves alot to be desired. Haven't tried the EGEN or Adrian Smith models as our Guitar Center won't get one unless you special order it. Not gonna fork out that much money without at least playing the instrument first. They gotta match or beat the 6 Vandenbergs I have. CC join us at the Vandenberg group we swap parts repair ideas etc and even chat with Adrian himself at times.
it is really tight amp!
