

Jun 17, 2003
Apex, NC
So I'm preeeeetty sure I'm going to go. This is contingent on me saving enough for airfare by mid-July, but it's about 85% likely I'll be there.

Right now, my plan is to do a multi-destination flight. I'm going to fly to Stockholm, spend a couple days doing the touristy thing, then take the train to Copenhagen - it's only about $175 second class and 5.5 hours - and fly home from Copenhagen. (I'm also considering Goteborg instead, but that's a bit more expensive and involves two layovers instead of one.)

Now. Assuming I can figure out which one of the ten different train stations in Stockholm I need to start at, where in Copenhagen will I end up, and how easy is it to transfer over to the local train system?

Is the show within easy walking distance of a stop (a mile or so)? Will it take me directly to the airport, or will I have to arrange public transportation?
Last year I passed through the train station on my way from the hotel to the venue.. so it's really close.

Anyway.. if you decide to go for Gothenburg instead of Stockholm I might be able to arrange a ride for you since I'm going by car myself to Copenhagen. And I'm passing Gothenburg on my way.
Would be great if you would be there as well Jaime!

We flew in last year and the train is just a 20 min. ride directly from the arrival/departure terminal at the airport to the center of Copenhagen. The railway-station is in walking distance of the venue (prox. 10 mins.) and very close to most of the hotels.

see ya there!

Mattias, thanks for the offer! I will definitely keep that in mind when I make my decision, which will probably be in July.

Henk, it'll be good to see you again, I don't even think I saw you at the last PPUSA *I* went to!
Sadly, I'm definitely not going to make it - spent a little too much on vacation last month and I'm in a bit of a hole financially, and I got stiffed on this month's commission at work, so the extra paycheck in August that I was planning to put towards airfare is going to have to dig me out.
