Quick and dirty Snare Drum Mic Shootout


Apr 20, 2005
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2973685/SD shootout.rar


Just three mics on the kit. Two spaced Apex 210 ribbon mics as overheads and a mic on my Gretsch Mapple Full Range with Dunnett wood hoops and my horrible drumming.

What's you favourite?
I used to love the I5 as a top snare mic. I don't know if something went wrong this time but It's the worst imo.
My new favourite is the BF504. Maybe it's just the honey moon phase but I love the attack and the fact it's more hyped in the mids. It doesn't emphasize the highs which is a plus for a snare mic in my book.
No Beyer M201 = test fail :-)

I will have a listen on the Focals tomorrow.
But seriously, nothing beats an M201 on snare top.
I like i5 underneath.
It reminds me Freedom by Hamilton & Boynton :D Both in production and playing style ;). Could you tell what hardware is being used here (besides the mic's) cause this sound carries some good ol vintage vibe ;)...

It reminds me Freedom by Hamilton & Boynton :D Both in production and playing style ;). Could you tell what hardware is being used here (besides the mic's) cause this sound carries some good ol vintage vibe ;)...


Haha! I can't help but cringe when I hear my 'drumming' but I do it for science.:lol: It's just an old rusty Tama Swingstar, the early red badge model with the short shells. Turkish B20 Masterworks Hat and Crash.
The OH mics go into an MPA Gold preamp and the snare mics into the "neve inspired" Golden Age Audio Pre-73 DLX.
The whole stuff goes into a mere Focusrite saffire pro 40.
I hate to say it but I preferred the SM57 the most, sounded the most full with more snap to it.