Quick Mix critique b4 I record Vox plz!

It's good,guitars could use a little more gain and clarity and add more low end on bass.I don't like the snare,metal machine :),don't like that midrange tump.Overall you achieved nice sounding mix.
It's good,guitars could use a little more gain and clarity and add more low end on bass.I don't like the snare,metal machine :),don't like that midrange tump.Overall you achieved nice sounding mix.

Great ear, picked out the Metal Machine snare like nothing :p

PS - Guitars are Guitar Rig 5. I was all about Lepou before, but im trying out a little bit of everything!
I also using metal machine a lot lately :).Forget to ask, but you answered a part of question,what is you guitar chain which guitar,premap,interface etc.
I have a custom guitar (solid mahog, maple neck) EMG 81-89 combo.

That going into an M-audio DMP-3 preamp.

From there I go into Cubase, and I either record using Lepou Legion and Lecab, or else Guitar Rig 5.

This time around I used Guitar Rig 5 because I wanted to use my Cubase 5 64-bit version as a trial. However, I think I still might prefer Legion for my sounds.

Im just doing vocals today. It's a bit of a cheesy song, but If you check the site, it'll be an updated version....