Quick question (DI's clipping?)

Nothing "solved" the problem, I just accepted the fact that EMG 81 and 85 have internal clipping on my guitar. :)
Im not recording too got, As i stated earlier the PA on my interface says it peaks around ~-13db

I would say that both our DI's is about the same in terms of loudness, it's just that mine distort alot more, and It's the reason that you might react to the harsh-looking soundwaves :)
On the first picture I had the PA turned up a little more just to make the clipping easier to see with the eye. That might be what you ment with recording too hot I guess :)
If it sounds right, it is right. I always thought of it as a sort of in-built tubescreamer effect on the 81 - like an additional gain stage. Can give you really cool, compressed sounds.

Humorously enough the 81-7 I put into my Hellraiser sounds like SHIT compared to the 707, so you never know. The woods and construction may interact more than we realize. The 81-7 made the all-mahogany/rosewood hellraiser sound like it was all maple and alder *shudders*.