quick question.......


Beyond the Halo
Jun 5, 2002
pennsylvania, USA
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is it recommended to use rack mount effects with an amp head? i have a mesa triple rec. head and i want some good effects but not sure whether to go with rack or pedal board.... any comments or opinions would really help thanks and keep it brutal \m/\m/
the guitar player in my band runs a rack effects processor straight to the head, and this big fucking peddel (DOD something or other) off the guitar to the effects processor, the reasoning is, I think anyway, to run the amp as clean as possible, and then use the electronics in combo with each other to provide all the changes in sound, that way you never have to fuck with anything and can set up different profiles on the rack.
Actually, if you're looking for a rack unit, the TC Electronics G-Major can be had for about $400 on ebay, and is the best sounding and most versitile effects unit for under a few grand. You'd need to get a midi foot controller, but in the long run, it'll save you money, possible chord problems... and won't be much more than if you bought a pedal board and stompboxes with patch cables... etc.. and will be MUCH more reliable.

Just my opinion....