Alright guys I got a question on which is best for my effects chain and all.
Im running either a (gibson explorer emg 81/85) with MM-04 boost or (edards al 166 blackout 2) with MM-04 boost -> zakk whylde wah -> a/b -> Head (A)(A going to my Randall with the effects for brutal gain and (B Fenderhead/cab) for my sparkle cleans. I did it that way so when i use distortion it over whelms the fender, but when I use clean it over whelms the randall cuz its clean volume is set lower. Was wondering if i should put the distortion pedal i use in that chain too or run it in effects loop. Then for my effects loop im running Randall warhead fx send-> (RACK GEAR)T.C. Electronics G major -> Lee Jackons GP-1000 -> Rocktron Super hush C -> then im confused at to where to put my pedals. I got it now like this from the rack Hush -> (PEDALS)voodoo lab sparkle drive -> Dime distortion -> MXR 6 band EQ with a silencer unit at the end set on full so no sound will go through period, switch it on and then I can disconect my guitar and change with out any sound. I use a long delay/reverb at the end of a sound that gives me anough time to switch to my other one and it still rings while i plug in and switch it back off. Any thoughs on placement? I seem to get a muddy sound when I kick in the distortion through effects or tweak the EQ a little BEFORE any of the other pedals because its trying to take an EQ sound and...un EQ i guess? Comments please!
Im running either a (gibson explorer emg 81/85) with MM-04 boost or (edards al 166 blackout 2) with MM-04 boost -> zakk whylde wah -> a/b -> Head (A)(A going to my Randall with the effects for brutal gain and (B Fenderhead/cab) for my sparkle cleans. I did it that way so when i use distortion it over whelms the fender, but when I use clean it over whelms the randall cuz its clean volume is set lower. Was wondering if i should put the distortion pedal i use in that chain too or run it in effects loop. Then for my effects loop im running Randall warhead fx send-> (RACK GEAR)T.C. Electronics G major -> Lee Jackons GP-1000 -> Rocktron Super hush C -> then im confused at to where to put my pedals. I got it now like this from the rack Hush -> (PEDALS)voodoo lab sparkle drive -> Dime distortion -> MXR 6 band EQ with a silencer unit at the end set on full so no sound will go through period, switch it on and then I can disconect my guitar and change with out any sound. I use a long delay/reverb at the end of a sound that gives me anough time to switch to my other one and it still rings while i plug in and switch it back off. Any thoughs on placement? I seem to get a muddy sound when I kick in the distortion through effects or tweak the EQ a little BEFORE any of the other pedals because its trying to take an EQ sound and...un EQ i guess? Comments please!