Am I the only guitarist who...


May 17, 2002
El Paso, Texas, USA
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who only uses a distortion and no other sort of effects?!?! I hate it when someone asks me why I dont use a wah, or any otehr shit like that. The closest thing I get is a acoustic simulator pedal. Everything else is only distortion. My band thinks im a idiot cuz I dont like other effects. *sigh* Anyone else have the same problem as me or only uses distortion?
yeah it doesnt really matter what all else say. your guitar and sound is yours dammit. with my band band i do use various effects, mostly distortion, reverb and delay. But i do fuck about with loads of effects for the stuff i do outside of my band.
it just depends on what you like doing.
I only use distortion. I am looking at getting a reverb pedal, and a harmonizer would be cool (although hardly ever get used), just for the occassional difference, but I'm happy with just my distortion.
Well I like my Zoom M.E Pedal, but it's good to just "keep it simple" (quoting my girlfriend), and just use distortion. If it's all you have then why worry about it, if you're talented enough to get by in a band with JUST distortion. Don't worry about it. I like to "unplug" my zoom every now and then and just use my Metal Zone, I actually think straight distortion sounds pretty good. Although it is nice to have a variety every now and then.

- Allan
I think I know what you are talking about bro. When I was in my old band, back in Aus, Morphus Machine, our guitartist was sota the same. He occaisionally used wah, but he didn't really like the other distortions. He thought the straight distortion sounded heavey, and so did all of us, so it stuck.
Just think bro's, Black Sabbath was classed as one of the heaviset bands around, for thier day, and still are. And they didn't use any fancy distortion pedals, did they?

Use effects on my clean sound, as I like a bit of chorus (but only light) and some reverb...

Rythm sound is just preamp distortion with guitar plugged in. No compression, no effects. Tighter that way.

Lead a bit of delay and wah :D
I just use a distortion pedal and occasionally phazer for most things I do use some reverb/ delay if I'm recording to get a slightly more 'live' sound
No effects? no problem. Its really not about that, is more about what sound you are looking for, and what sound you are looking for in your band. I played with no effects for good 9 years, until i decided i needed harmonizer for my leads and some riffs, so i got me an rp200. Nowdays since im using alot of dissonant chords ( mainly mayor minor and dominant 7s with no 5ths ) with heavy distorsion, i needed someone to give me more clarity. So i started using chorus since i found it helps quite a bit, along with the equalizer using a lot of meds. I virtually use a modified lead distorsion for every riff since i need the extra clarity over the extra crunchy punch no mids give you.