QV, I have a question.

Old Norse

Oct 20, 2006
I bought my girlfriend a shirt off of your website. I think the day I bought it was around November 30th. Which was 7 buisness days ago and 11 days ago. Just wondering how long it usually takes for this kind of stuff to be delivered. I am hoping to give it to my girlfriend for xmas and I'm just making sure that I will get it before xmas holidays begin.

To other users, when you buy something off of ebay, and it's coming from the States to Canada, how long does this usually take?
Hey, I send the website orders personally - we had that ice storm a week and a half ago and it may have slowed things down, I know a few places in the US also had similar events and had no power for days so maybe all of these conditions contributed to the delay cumulatively. Usually it takes something like 1-2 weeks - things may be extra slow due to the time of year. On my end I can guaranty it was sent.
Thanks Bart!
I'm sure I will get it sometime this week then, I was just worried that maybe I had typed my address wrong or something. I recieved my DVD from the states yesterday so I'm not as worried now as I was.
Thanks for the reply!
They used to have the whole thing but there were some issues with accounts. Once those are resolved they should be back on track.
In the meantime, people should order from the QV website
I got the t-shirt in the mail yesterday. I would like to thank you for it as my my girlfriend will fucking LOVE it. I hope its a good size for her, I didn't see a place when I ordered it where I could pick a size out, I got a Medium, which should be fine ..if not I guess she can hang it on her wall or something. I plan to buy some shirts and cd's at the show on the 29th so I really hope you guys bring lots of merchandise!
As for the DVD I ordered from the states, I got it in the mail the other day as well, but I'm not sure who I ordered it from in the States.
Thanks again for the shirt! See you on the 29th.