R.I.P. Chester Bennington.

Quorthon sure thought they were talented due to the sheer amount of Manowar influence there is in his work after Under the Sign of the Black Mark.

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So I saw your post at the top of this page and for a moment I thought you were talking about Linkin Park influence on Bathory. You should edit out the name 'Manowar' just to momentarily confuse people.

EDIT: Instead you edited your post to make it more apparent you were talking about Manowar.
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talos once again showcasing that English just does not work for her.

I never said anything about them NOT being influential. I even pointed that out a few times. I like how you twats just try to steering the arguments all over the place. Do i need to link you guys back to posts that you just read?
talos once again showcasing that English just does not work for her.

I never said anything about them NOT being influential. I even pointed that out a few times. I like how you twats just try to steering the arguments all over the place.
I didn't make an influence argument. I argued against it.
My last few posts are spot on. And i find it funny that you butthurt faggot fanbois are going from thread to thread trying to explain to me why you think they're good. :lol:
You're not even responding to what I said, you're just going off on Talos. I'm not butthurt, I'm having a civil debate about it.
How can depression leading to a suicide be selfish?

Selfishness implies a clear consciousness and a kind of sober purposefulness.
The fact that he seemingly pre-meditated his suicide to coincide with Chris Cornell's birthday would imply a clear consciousness. Dude went out like an egomaniac. I don't even give a shit about his kids or anything, this just looks like a really lame, attention-whoring suicide and I'm not convinced that it can be called primarily a result of clinical depression.
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yeah he was the godfather of cornell's son and sang at his funeral etc.

incidentally, ian curtis also killed himself on the same day, and cornell was a big fan i believe.
listening to some of bennington's interviews it seems he was a ticking time bomb who prolonged his life through putting all of his energy into his career/family. i get the impression quite a lot of successful people are like that; they succeed because they're super driven, and they're super driven not because they're 'following their dreams' or w/e but because they're escaping something or relentlessly trying to fill an unfillable hole. dude was bound to die as soon as he got caught in the wrong mood with no company and some drink in him. the anniversary of cornell's death probably triggered said mood.
Imagine having the dude from linkin park's bank account, you could order a pizza literally everyday and could buy and do whatever, you would not have to hang out at the food shelf or DSS and stuff, sometimes you just dangle to death from your door, it happens, maybe after you take a dump, it could be you.
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