R.I.P. Chester Bennington.

What are you afflicted with?


You'll NEVER be able to teach someone else how to be happy...this guy wasn't terminally ill, or crippled by a debilitating disease...or suffer any physical impairments. Children with cancer, leukemia etc. are real beacons of strength- heroes, in fact who push on daily...then you have people like this selfish asshole who just didn't "know how to be happy"- I'm not putting those people on the same merit plane. If you're a tortured soul, please don't partake in starting families and having children who depend on you just to step out on them because you decided you now want to be an island onto yourself.
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So what prevented you from hanging yourself? Fear of death? Fear of pain? Fear of suffocation? Or maybe familial responsibilites?
I was just about to kick the chair, but some odd vestige of reason made me stop and talk it out with myself. That and I couldn't do that to my parents. So a stroke of luck plus family.

of course, as ive said numerous times already i dont think anyone thinks killing yourself and leaving behind your children is ok. that is beyond the point

Dude, you are talking like he wasnt struggling with some kind of affliction/medical condition and that he just woke up one day and decided "yea fuck it, im just going to hang myself and traumatize my kids for the rest of their lives". Like i said, nothing you are saying here warrants your post of that repulsive meme from the previous page. Same goes for all the other edgy faggots who decided to jump in a RIP thread and start trashing a man days after he died.
Haha...let's defend "depressional" suicide- then call people who disagree faggots...class act
@EspaDa i cant say, as ive never seen those types of doctors. but a lot of the things that ive heard and read are things that i can say i've experienced/experience. I tell you what, that one video that CIG posted is basically me.

What video precisely?

At first I was ashamed that I willingly want to go and see a shrink, but then I came to realize that it's do or die. Maybe I'm exaggerating things little bit now, but seeing a shrink was a turning point in my recent life and I'm pleased I made the decision.
What video precisely?

At first I was ashamed that I willingly want to go and see a shrink, but then I came to realize that it's do or die. Maybe I'm exaggerating things little bit now, but seeing a shrink was a turning point in my recent life and I'm pleased I made the decision.
If you really were on the verge of doing the deed, then yes, that's do or die. Good on you.
my mistake, Espadas video.

Yeah mate, words he's saying are so close to me that I almost wanted to go and cuddle him despite the fact that it sounds gay, daft and stupid. However, I can totally relate to his anxiety and mental situation. I want to punch that fucking interviewer in the face, laughing down an ill person, what a fucking jerk. He must feel really fucking bad now after all that happened.
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my mistake, Espadas video.

but i dont hate that part of me, i somewhat embrace it. Don't know if that makes any sense.
Intriguing. If you're going to see a shrink, check with a neurologist. Psychiatrists can know what they're talking about, the really good ones, but a lot of them are faux expert fagaloons with nothing but a paper degree to demonstrate their actual knowledge of the human psyche. I embrace my self-critical side as well.
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I'm here for you guys whenever!

Thanks. It's good to have someone like yourself around who can be viciously critical and still be there for where it counts. I enjoy our spats over music if anything. I suppose I'm just masochistic like that. Do you want me to present an academic case for Manowar's musicianship in that other thread now that we're a bit calmer?
Thanks. It's good to have someone like yourself around who can be viciously critical and still be there for where it counts. I enjoy our spats over music if anything. I suppose I'm just masochistic like that. Do you want me to present an academic case for Manowar's musicianship in that other thread now that we're a bit calmer?
haha you caught the first pic

and nah no need, since i never said they CANT play. But are you again going to imply that their drummer has skills that would bring a tear to Kolias' eye? You do know Kolias can probably play everything Colubus can, and easily too if i might add. But can Columbus even play a fraction of the shit Kolias can? I thnk we both know the answer to that. Yea, their vocalist can sing. That doesnt mean they are a good metal band.

But are you saying you dont have a thing for theatrics in your metalz? Im not talking shit here, a lot of people do. and i think you've admitted to liking bands that are good with hat kind of stuff.