R.I.P. Chester Bennington.

Well, I didn't expect the suicide of Chester Bennington to be the thing to bring out the empathetic side of TB.

@H.P. Lovecraft I understand where you're coming from man, I agree that when you become a parent you lose the right to take your life. But like EspaDa said, it's not exactly a rational act, it's an expression of a deep and abiding sickness. I don't see how condemning it is constructive.
haha you caught the first pic

and nah no need, since i never said they CANT play. So no need. Are you again going to imply that their dummer has skills that would bring a tear to Kolias's eye? You do know Kolias can probably play everything Colubus can, and easily too if i might add. But can Columbus even play a fraction of the shit Kolias can? I thnk we both know the answer to that. Yea, their volcaist can sing. That doesnt mean they are a good metal band.

But are you saying you dont have a thing for theatrics in you metalz? Im not talking shit here, a lot of people do. and i think you've admitted to liking bands that are good with hat kind of stuff.
You see, the thing with Columbus' drumming is not that he can do ridiculous speed runs like Kollias. On a pure compositional level his drumming is above average, but nothing out of this world. It's his technique when he actually plays. His drumming is documented to have eviscerated even the best of durable normal kits. The only way the band could stop him from going through a whole drumkit every night was to buy him a kit with literal skins of steel. To play with that hitting power for full 2 hour or more shows and still maintain the richness of tone and precision? Would make most drummers piss themselves. I shouldn't even need to explain the shredding skills of Ross Friedman. I like theatrics, but there has to be something behind it of musical value to me.
Well, I didn't expect the suicide of Chester Bennington to be the thing to bring out the empathetic side of TB.
Its just irks me when i see people taking shots at someone right after their death. And that's happened here quite a few times tbh.

I dont know, ive personally been losing people around me left and right for past few years, so death has been somewhat of a touchy subject for me i guess.
Well, I didn't expect the suicide of Chester Bennington to be the thing to bring out the empathetic side of TB.

@H.P. Lovecraft I understand where you're coming from man, I agree that when you become a parent you lose the right to take your life. But like EspaDa said, it's not exactly a rational act, it's an expression of a deep and abiding sickness. I don't see how condemning it is constructive.
I'm not saying condemning it is going to fix the problem. But it's no transgression to condemn it if those are the circumstances.
Not trying to make you a fan, but just like with Crüe, I think there's a lot of actual musical talent you seem to fail to acknowledge.

fail to acknowledge what? That they suck? Motley crue fucking suck, so does manowar and bunch of the other garbage that you could also mention right now. "but look, the guy knows how to play a guitar better than the average person" :lol:
fail to acknowledge what? That they suck? Motley crue fucking suck, so does manowar and bunch of the other garbage that you could also mention right now. "but look, the guy nows how to play a guitar better than the average person" :lol:
I'm not asking for an endorsement of their music. But to pretend them to be musical amateurs borders on delusional.

What is it that you are exactly asking for then? Most of the musicians i listen to are farrrrr more skilled at what they do.
I'm requesting you stop pretending they're shit musicians despite all the evidence. I don't care if you think their music sucks, but even when I hate a band, I can acknowledge their high bar of talent if it's there.
they do not have a high bar of talent and they are indeed a shitty metal band. Stop pretending like they're some kind of technically inclined musicians, when they play generics as fuck shit that just about any other metal band can play with their eyes closed.
they do not have a high bar of talent and they are indeed a shitty metal band. Stop pretending like they're some kind of technically inclined musicians, when they play generics as fuck shit that just about any other band can play with their eyes closed.
Generic, except for the fact that they pioneered what they're doing. Manowar was one of the first power metal bands, and Mötley Crüe is very arguably the first glam metal band. Simplicity and complexity does not define the quality of the musicianship. Robert White played some of the most simple riffs ever, that doesn't change the fact of them being musical prime movers.
So yesterday I was reading my biology textbook and suddenly right in the middle of a chapter on genetics it turned into an argument between TB and HP about Manowar. That same day I had to go into town to do some shopping and written in graffiti on a wall was an argument between TB and HP about Manowar. Today when I woke up and read the newspaper in the domestic news section there was an argument between TB and HP about Manowar. Then later I was out walking the dog and I saw two planes via skywriting holding an argument about Manowar.
Generic, except for the fact that they pioneered what they're doing. Manowar was one of the first power metal bands, and Mötley Crüe is very arguably the first glam metal band. Simplicity and complexity does not define the quality of the musicianship. Robert White played some of the most simple riffs ever, that doesn't change the fact of them being musical prime movers.

oh so now wwe are moving onto whether they are influential or not? Is that what we were arguing about? I mean, i just told you i think they're a vomit inducing band and you think mentioning their disgusting influence is going to get some points with me? Do you actually think i give any bit of a shit about most of the bands they influenced?
oh so now wwe are moving onto whether they are influential or not? Is that what we were arguing about? I mean, i just told you i think they're a vomit inducing band and you think mentioning their disgusting influence is going to get some points with me? Do you actually think i give any bit of a shit about most bands they influenced?
It's not about popularity or influence, I was making the point that they did what they did first, hence it wasn't just generic laziness, but actual creativity. You don't have to like what they created, but it sure as hell didn't come into being because they were cheap and generic.
They weren't the first power metal band and you really need to stop implying that they were one of the first or pioneering trad metal bands. They were nothing more than an average, generic as fuck heavy metal band pumping out albums during a time where much better(and faaar more talented) bands were releasing much better albums. Shit, thrash was sizzling att. But i can see how someone who also appreciates garbage like glam and what not would also enjoy manowar and consider them to be great musicians.
They weren't the first power metal band and you really need to stop implying that they were one of the first or pioneering trad metal bands. They were nothing more than an average, generic as fuck heavy metal band pumping out albums during a time where much better(and faaar more talented) bands were releasing much better albums. Shit, thrash was sizzling att. But i can see how someone who also appreciates garbage like glam and what not would also enjoy manowar and consider them to be great musicians.
Never called them the first. That would be Rainbow. I said one of the first, which chronologically and sonically they were. Given when they shot up what they were doing was actually inventive. And they are great musicians. Not god tier except for Eric Adams, but they've still got chops well above a great deal of people. Musicianship isn't defined purely by how intricately you can play, it's defined by being able to do something of unique musical nature with technique. I'd like to see even a great drummer naturally play drums with the striking power and simultaneous finesse of Scott Columbus for 2.5 hours straight for several nights a week and not feel it and be ready to do it again on command.