R.I.P. Chester Bennington.

@H.P. Lovecraft What are the symptoms you're experiencing while not on pills?

@TechnicalBarbarity I went to a shrink after losing interest in life. It started to get scary once I've lost my interest in music and stuff. I remember driving for classes to my university and believing its totally hopeless, I almost crashed as I saw no purpose behind every activity I was performing, every thing I did was connected with compulsive thoughts that prevented me from acting reasonably.
Despondency, lack of concern for my own well being, reticence to live or care about anything, detachment of interest from even my most beloved things like friends, family, music, movies, etc.
It's not competitive. There's no such thing as laudable suicide or laudable suicide attempts. However, the abandonment of your own children is certainly catalyst for ridicule.

I don't think that's true if you genuinely believe that your barest existence somehow poses a threat or worse to them.

That's not a reason to excuse suicide, but I think it's a reason to avoid talking about suicide as some kind of deplorable weakness.
I don't think that's true if you genuinely believe that your barest existence somehow poses a threat or worse to them.

That's not a reason to excuse suicide, but I think it's a reason to avoid talking about suicide as some kind of deplorable weakness.
Suicide isn't innately a deplorable weakness, however it becomes one when you abandon those dependent on you.
after reading through some of the above posts, i think maybe its about time i go see a shrink.

I have no time to give him even an iota of good will if he did that to his kids. I know you know, what I'm saying is that he's a scumfuck who deserves every bit of it for doing that to his children.

Or maybe dont expect everyone who is really struggling with depression to be as strong as you were/are?
Suicide isn't innately a deplorable weakness, however it becomes one when you abandon those dependent on you.

Again, not when you believe those dependent on you are threatened or worsened by your existence.

But look, I'm not trying to put myself in your shoes or anyone else's. I just don't see any productive reason for talking about suicide in this way, regardless of whether or not the person had children.
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This cunt has no idea what clinical depression is. Your life can be perfect in every aspect; happy marriage, good job, good pay rate, nice house in a nice neighborhood and all of that will not cancel out clinical depression.
You're right!...you can have it all and still bite the bag and step out the door, it's called being a quitter...guy really shit all over his family and I'm supposed to feel sorry for him- sorry, I don't...if only YOU could've talked him out of it...
In my case, I'm much better now on pills. However, I still consider myself a shadow of what I used to be and I long for days of yore. <- is it gramatically correct? I love the word 'yore', haha.
He was an incredibly intelligent person, but dying for the idea of satanism seem kind of lame to me.


I like Nödtveidt's vocals, but if he abandoned young ones, fuck him as a person. The explanation for that is either cognitive delusion or external brainwashing.

of course, as ive said numerous times already i dont think anyone thinks killing yourself and leaving behind your children is ok. that is beyond the point

It's not a matter of strength, it's a matter of doing what's right for those in your charge and care in spite of yourself.

Dude, you are talking like he wasnt struggling with some kind of affliction/medical condition and that he just woke up one day and decided "yea fuck it, im just going to hang myself and traumatize my kids for the rest of their lives". Like i said, nothing you are saying here warrants your post of that repulsive meme from the previous page. Same goes for all the other edgy faggots who decided to jump in a RIP thread and start trashing a man days after he died.
anyone criticizing him for 'leaving behind his kids' is being a massive knob

yeah, they'll be dealing with the loss of their father probably all their lives, not everyone has the same level of control over their illness as others, some people cannot keep up with it and while we should not encourage them to end their lives, none of us are in a position to say what one 'could have or should have done'

just makes you look like a judgmental prick
Again, not when you believe those dependent on you are threatened or worsened by your existence.

But look, I'm not trying to put myself in your shoes or anyone else's. I just don't see any productive reason for talking about suicide in this way, regardless of whether or not the person had children.
I've had that feeling, but I can't be the judge of whether they are or aren't lessered or damaged by me. That takes objectivity, which I knew and know no one has in that frame of mind. So to pretend yourself to have an accurate verdict on that matter is merely more narcissistic horseshit. It's productive in and of it condemns those who do it despite their human responsibilities. If no one is reliant on you like a family member is, then of course that's sad.
I can partly understand his motives for killing himself. Sometimes when afflicted, you just can't act reasonably and everything seems futile to you. He just couldn't cope with it anymore. Cornell is said to have taken too much pills. It's not stated whether Bennington was reliant on anti-depressants.

of course, as ive said numerous times already i dont think anyone thinks killing yourself and leaving behind your children is ok. that is beyond the point

Dude, you are talking like he wasnt struggling with some kind of affliction/medical condition and that he just woke up one day and decided "yea fuck it, im just going to hang myself and traumatize my kids for the rest of their lives". Like i said, nothing you are saying here warrants your post of that repulsive meme from the previous page. Same goes for all the other edgy faggots who decided to jump in a RIP thread and start trashing a man days after he died.
I never argued that to be his thought process, when you're depressed, you still have a choice no matter how psychologically bogged you are. It's a terrible feeling, but to go with that feeling instead of the tangible familial responsibilities you have. Fuck that.
I can partly understand his motives for killing himself. Sometimes when afflicted, you just can't act reasonably and everything seems futile to you. He just couldn't cope with it anymore. Cornell is said to have taken too much pills. It's not stated whether Bennington was reliant on anti-depressants.
You can. You just have to make the choice. I made it, and that's why I'm still here. He decided to take the selfish route and as a result screwed over his children.