R.I.P. Chester Bennington.

What? He abandoned his children like a selfish prick. I take 40 mg of Prozac everyday for my clinical depression and have attempted to kill myself a number of times. Thank God I've never fully gone through with it like this dickhead.
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Thank God I've never fully gone through with it like this dickhead.

i wouldnt sit here and call you a loser and make funny jokes and memes about how you killed yourself if you did. That's about as low as possible imo. I didnt go and start talking shit about david bowie right after he died, and you don't even want to know what i think of him and his music.
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i wouldnt sit here and call you a loser and makes funny jokes and memes about how you killed yourself if you did. That's just about as low as possible imo. I didnt go and start talking shit about david bowie after he died, and you don't even want to know what i think of him and his music.
If I had children and abandoned them like he did? I'd say go for it. If he was alone and had no one to be responsible for, I'd be more sympathetic. But he wasn't, he enacted the ultimate act of selfishness and took himself from his kids. And David Bowie died of cancer, that's a far cry from voluntarily taking your own life.
Have you taken up psychotherapy? For how long have you been suffering from this vile disturbance?

I also take pills, now I was prescribed fluoxetine and I believe it works. I consider going to psychotherapy though. Don't want to poison myself with pills for the rest of my life.
i dont thin there's anyone on this planet that think its ok to kill yourself and leave your children behind. That's beyond the point. What im saying is the guy just fucking died, why is that that you need start trashing him literally days after it happened? I dont like a lot of stuff about him, im not about to go jump on message boards and start trashing a man who just died. I'm honestly amazed at some of these posts, and they are rather very telling.
I was trashing him well before he died. I didn't magically pop up here to speak ill of the dead. He abandoned his kids. End of story. Had he not done so, I'd be much more respectful.
Have you taken up psychotherapy? For how long have you been suffering from this vile disturbance?

I also take pills, now I was prescribed fluoxetine and I believe it works. I consider going to psychotherapy though. Don't want to poison myself with pills for the rest of my life.
Never tried psychotherapy, I don't need some quacky bastard down my throat. If I want to talk, that's why I have friends, I don't need to spend hundreds of dollars on some lunk with a PhD. I've been suffering it for roughly 30 years now.
I don't suffer from depression, so I cannot empathize with some of you here; and I can't imagine the experience of being so depressed as to contemplate, or attempt, suicide.

But I don't think that depression and suicide should be a competition, or that one person's attempt is somehow more laudable than another person's suicide. One isn't more laudable than the other, and neither is a cause for ridicule. The difference between seeking help and successfully killing oneself can't be measured by personal responsibility. I always go back to David Foster Wallace's description in Infinite Jest:

The so-called ‘psychotically depressed’ person who tries to kill herself doesn’t do so out of quote ‘hopelessness’ or any abstract conviction that life’s assets and debits do not square. And surely not because death seems suddenly appealing. The person in whom Its invisible agony reaches a certain unendurable level will kill herself the same way a trapped person will eventually jump from the window of a burning high-rise. Make no mistake about people who leap from burning windows. Their terror of falling from a great height is still just as great as it would be for you or me standing speculatively at the same window just checking out the view; i.e. the fear of falling remains a constant. The variable here is the other terror, the fire’s flames: when the flames get close enough, falling to death becomes the slightly less terrible of two terrors. It’s not desiring the fall; it’s terror of the flames. And yet nobody down on the sidewalk, looking up and yelling ‘Don’t!’ and ‘Hang on!’, can understand the jump. Not really. You’d have to have personally been trapped and felt flames to really understand a terror way beyond falling.
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lol, you dont think i havent trashed LP and the likes of them? But again, you just dont seem to get it. Youre pointing out that he abounded his kids like we all dont know or something. Or that there are people who think it was ok for him to leave behind his children? But that is not enough of a reason for me to start trashing someone right after they died.
Never tried psychotherapy, I don't need some quacky bastard down my throat. If I want to talk, that's why I have friends, I don't need to spend hundreds of dollars on some lunk with a PhD. I've been suffering it for roughly 30 years now.

@H.P. Lovecraft What are the symptoms you're experiencing while not on pills?

@TechnicalBarbarity I went to a shrink after losing interest in life. It started to get scary once I've lost my interest in music and stuff. I remember driving for classes to my university and believing its totally hopeless, I almost crashed as I saw no purpose behind every activity I was performing, every thing I did was connected with compulsive thoughts that prevented me from acting reasonably.
I don't suffer from depression, so I cannot empathize with some of you here; and I can't imagine the experience of being so depressed as to contemplate, or attempt, suicide.

But I don't think that depression and suicide should be a competition, or that one person's attempt is somehow more laudable than another person's suicide. One isn't more laudable than the other, and neither is a cause for ridicule. The difference between seeking help and successfully killing oneself can't be measured by personal responsibility. I always go back to David Foster Wallace's description in Infinite Jest:
It's not competitive. There's no such thing as laudable suicide or laudable suicide attempts. However, the abandonment of your own children is certainly catalyst for ridicule.
lol, you dont think i havent trashed LP and the likes of them? But again, you just dont seem to get it. Youre pointing out that he abounded his kids like we all dont know or something. Or that there are people who think it was ok for him to leave behind his children. But that is not enough of a reason for me to start trashing someone right after they died.
I have no time to give him even an iota of good will if he did that to his kids. I know you know, what I'm saying is that he's a scumfuck who deserves every bit of it for doing that to his children.