R.I.P. Chester Bennington.

Dude honestly had drug problems. Meth, smack, coke, pills...didn't hide that fact, either. Anyone I personally know who has/had depression issues has struggled with hard drugs. Not true in every case, but they're certainly not happiness boosters. It seems to go hand in hand.
He was raped as a child for SIX YEARS from the ages of 7 to 13. Imagine what that would do to even sanest person's psyche and mental health.

She must have not looked like Katherine Heigl and cooked bagel bites, you gonna get Bill Cosbied, it's comin, you gonna get Raped! then gunned down
Psycopathy is treatable, son, don't be afraid to ask for help.

I'm actually crazy, if someone whenever or has done something fucked up to me really bad, if I do something about it, if something fucked up happened, I won't even go to jail,prison.
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An actual real crazy person does not know, I'm just a sociopath, I just can't stand people and I don't want them around me or anything or to interact or deal with people at all, normally I don't have too.
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