R.I.P. Matt Williamson

Dave - Power of Omens

some guitar player
Aug 13, 2002
Dallas, TX USA
It has been quite a while since I've visited this page... so please accept my sincerest aplogies to those who have posted and not received a reply. I will do my best to get to these soon.

However it comes with great saddness to announce the passing of one of my dearest friends... Matt Williamson.

As many of you know, he had been diagosed with terminal cancer almost 2 years ago, and was only given 3 months to live at that time... but Matt's determination to fight this and win the battle was evident in his amazing struggle to survive almost 2 more years after his diagnosis. Unfortunately, as I just found out this morning, Matt lost his battle this past Saturday, December 9th.

He was an incredible person, a great friend, and an absolutely amazing bassist and musician. He will sorely be missed by his wife, family, as well as his Power of Omens family.

I will post more later this evening...

I heard the news from my g/f from a post that Chris put together for his brother Matt. Very, very sorry to hear about our Progressive brother Matt and send our Deepest condolences to Matt's family and friends.

RIP Matt and we send you the METAL sign bro.
