R.I.P. Petrus

Dec 16, 2003
Sorry guys, off-topic I know, but I felt it had to be done.

As posted on Blabbermouth, and several other sites, Peter Steele (Type O Negative/Carnivore) passed away Wednesday at the age of 48. In the days leading to his death, he had been ill, and it's rumored that his heart gave out.

Type O was always one of my favorite bands. I was one (of many, I'm sure), who believed that Origin of the Feces was in fact, a live album (yeah...just like Unleashed In The East was...), and while I felt the last few albums didn't live up to expectations, I enjoyed them for what they were.

Carnivore were also badass, and when I heard that they reformed (with Joey Z from LOA no less), I was excited for the potential of a new album. Sadly now, that dream, as well as the hope to one day see them live, has been taken away.

Rest in Peace Pete, your fans "Loved You To Death".
RIP, cant say I was ever a huge type o fan, but the guy definitely was talented. He will be missed.
I've been a fan of Peter for many years now, since around 1987 when I first heard the 1st Carnivore lp. Loved it, and really got hooked on the "Retaliation" lp, which remains one of my all-time favorite albums. I never got to see Carnivore but did wind up seeing Type O Negative play many many times, from around 1991 and on. As a kinda funny side-note, I first met Peter when my band The Gruesomes (U.S) were the "house band" for an episode of Jerry Springer that Pete appeared on back in 1995. I played bass for that band and he was a primary influence on my playing, I even tried to cop his tone haha. He laughed and joked with me a bit when I started playing "Angry Neurotic Catholics" during one of the commercial breaks, lol. Peter was always a funny guy and nice, though he could be a royal wise-ass as well! I got to meet him and stuff several times over the years, and I have close friends who knew him as well, and everyone always had good stuff and good stories to tell about Peter. My wife is a die-hard Type O and Carnivore fan, it was always her dream to get to see Carnivore play and unfortunately she never got the chance, and now never will. I know Peter wound up getting into some bad shit during the last decade and had alot of struggles, but I think he was a unique and talented guy and I'm really sorry to see him go so soon. RIP.