R.I.P. Robert Jordan

Aye RIP. I had been following his progress on his blog and it was a nasty and sad shock to learn of his death.

It was mentioned that he had spilled the beans on the entire wrap up of the series to his cousin and wife a couple of weeks back, obviously a bad sign in hindsight. I do believe that the final book will get finished in some form.
I tried reading The Eye of the World (or whatever the first one in the Wheel of Time series is called) a few years back but didn't get very far into it. Might give it another go one day.
I actually don't read a lot of fantasy. After Tolkien and Peake, nothing else really comes close, except Donaldson, but that's like reading the same book three times. I tried reading Feist once, but it was so derivative I couldn't get more than a third of the way through and Tad Williams just about made me neck myself.
I got a Tad Williams book for my last birthday. I enjoyed it quite a bit, and was pissed off when I found out it was *another* incomplete series that I have to wait to see how it ends. Haven't read any Jordan, though.
Yeah, true. I live on fantasy novels, but after lots of annoying waits for books, I made a pact with myself to never again start reading a series that hadn't been finished yet. And guess what - the series which made me first speak that vow was the Wheel of Time. :rolleyes:

I started reading it in oh, 1997 I think, when he was up to book seven. Up to that point I really liked them, and eagerly awaited book eight. Unfortunately book eight took so long and was such rubbish (he had a number of storylines developing that all went utterly nowhere), that I decided never to touch any WoT books again until they were all finished. Guess I won't touch them now until whichever family member received his liner notes gets around to finishing it.

Regardless of my disillusion with it, the WoT is a major fantasy masterpiece and it's a terrible thing that he's died before he finished his dream - this is very sad news. RIP.
Gemmell always seemed a little forced to me.

Not quite sure what you mean, but that's cool. You should read my writing (trying to get economists to beleive that maintaining stuff is good for the business...that's forced).

He got the images working in my head and I liked his work. Didn't find one book I didn't like.

A friend told me not to get into Jordan 'till he finished his wheel. She was pissed at 18 months between parts.

Guess she was right.
You're quite correct.

My first novel has taken nearly 40 years...and I'm not even a single word into it.

You're all gonna be waiting a long, long time.