R.I.P. Ronnie James Dio

RIP: Here's what I wrote at my blog:

Once again I'm left with the unenviable task of writing a eulogy for a man I never knew. But let me just be clear about this: Ronnie James Dio was a heavy metal institution. He was the best of the best. He was the man who saved Black Sabbath from Ozzy and who made, at the age 66, one of the most widely acclaimed heavy metal records of 2009—not to mention his excellent solo career. He was tiny, but he had a huge voice and personality and he invented the metal horns as we know it (supposedly). There are few out there who I have as much respect for and there will never be anyone quite like the man. I will definitely be listening to some Dio and thinking fondly of learning to play his music and wishing I could sing like him.

I wish his wife and family all the best in this fucking shitty time and all of us here at AMG will definitely raise a toast to his memory while blasting his tunes.

A legend and an institution. Totally shitty. :(
Totally gutted. A true legend and one of the finest metal singers there will ever be. :(
Had the chance to spend an evening with him in year 2000.
Great person and probably one of the best fucking metal singers ever.

This pic is one of my favorite personal celebrities pics.
Although i never was a big fan, R.I.P. Ronnie James Dio, one of the biggest icons and pioneers in heavy metal.
I read that article before, and I'm still not really sure exactly what I've just read.

RJD was a true hero amongst musicians and music lovers. For a man who's known for his large voice, as small stature - It's still amazing to look at his back catalogue of works and wonder how he did it all.

I was super excited when Dio got announced to play my work (in Glasgow) last year. It was cancelled due to RJD becoming ill with cancer - but I had no doubt that he would recover and continue to kicking everyone's asses.

I rarely feel a connection with any rock stars, because they're not like "people".
They have the money, sex, drugs and that puts a distance from their fans.

From what I've seen of Dio, in interviews and on stage, he exemplifies what a rock star used to be - and still should be. A likeable man, who cares not for the life style, and who continues to be a positive role model to youngsters and adults and spreading the word of RAWK and ROLL.

Ain't no-one gonna fill the (small) shoes of Ronnie James Dio any time soon.
If ever.