R.I.P Terry Jones


Mar 30, 2008
Chicago, Illinois

I decided to make an actual thread of this because I know I'm not the only Pagan Altar superfan on these forums and was happy to see so many people rank them so highly in the traditional metal top 10 thread thingy. I'm actually mildly shaken of this announcement, but I am so pleased that I got the chance to see them live in Baltimore back in 2013. A performance that I will not forget.

Feel free to share your own memories of Pagan Altar if you have any. Live performance or first time hearing them or whatever. Or don't and call me a loser, that's fine too.

From Beyond the Stars...
I didn't hear Volume One until this year, for some strange reason I had overlooked it completely. But it blew me away immediately. The first two minutes of Reincarnation is one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard. That one line; "shapes of lands, islands and seas" makes me a little teary-eyed every time.
One of the best heavy metal bands. Period.

I read this and it made me sad. Don't really know what else to say about it... Maybe it sounds selfish but I hope they release their final album, it's definitely done, just needed remastered according to the band.
Saw them live in Montreal in 2010-11 or something. Great show. Great band. Volume One remains my favorite but nothing they've done disappoints. RIP.
What a loss. There's something truly magical about their heavy metal and his voice was a fundamental part of it.
Really blows they are one of my favorite bands and one of the few bands where I have every album. Cancer is awful. Played a ton of Pagan Altar this week in remembrance, and am very grateful to have seen them live.

The new album should be coming out soon. I thought they were waiting for him to get better to release it… but in any event, would love to hear their new album.