Rack EQ for current guitar setup.


New Metal Member
Jan 20, 2009
Stirling, Scotland
Hi folks.

First of all i'm new here so if im a tad rusty at giving out information or anyone has any issues please let me know.

Currently i run a PODX3 Live into a marshall MG100HDFX Head (Not the best head i know but its currently only gettin used as a power amp, If anyone knows of any good Solid State power amp for my setup, then i would be greatfull if you could mention it also in your post.) then into a 1960BV cab @4ohm. In my rack i have a Korg BTR-1000 tuner and a Rocktron Hush.

I dont play in any band at the moment so i dont need the extra tonality of valves but what i would like is a good EQ to add into the setup to give me a little more control over my tone.
I find the parametric EQ on the POD really nice but id also like a Graphic EQ to cut out certain frequencies.

I have 2 rack spaces free in my rack so either a single rack EQ or 2U would suffice.

Any ideas on any good eq's out there?
Sell the rack gear and the Marshall head.

Get a decent tube power amp. You can get a Mesa for around $500, or a VHT for around $800. You will be MUCH happier with your sound than with an EQ.
Sell the rack gear and the Marshall head.

Get a decent tube power amp. You can get a Mesa for around $500, or a VHT for around $800. You will be MUCH happier with your sound than with an EQ.

Is there any models that you would recommend. I live in the UK and the price of the Mesa power amps are waaaay outta my budget (£800/$1100(Not sure on exchange rate) i think for the Mesa 20/20). The one thing that did catch my eye was the Marshall 20/20 EL84 power amp. Still rather pricey for my liking. I mainly play at bedroom level so 20/20 watt would be ideal.

But back to the main subject, is there any rack eq that you know that i could use to help better the current setup (For the record i am happy with the tone i get at the moment from the amp, ujst would like a bit more control.)

Thanks for the reply.
There are a lot of them that are pretty decent. How many bands do you want? I have a 1u ART 351 31-band EQ in my rack that works quite nicely.
There are a lot of them that are pretty decent. How many bands do you want? I have a 1u ART 351 31-band EQ in my rack that works quite nicely.

Basically as much bands are needed to cover tonal range of the guitar. Are the 31 bands really needed or are there some frequencies that dont get effected when using it?
The difference between EQs with different numbers of bands isn't generally how wide a range of frequencies it spans so much as how many points of articulation there are in between. It just depends on how much finely detailed control you need/want out of it. 7 to 10 bands are enough for most guitarists. 15 bands will give you more control. Most 31-band EQs aren't even really made with guitar in mind. You might not get any real use out of the very top and bottom few sliders on a 31-band depending on where you set your high pass and low pass filters (if you do at all), but there's still that much more control over everything in between. If you find you don't need many bands, a rack mounted parametric EQ might even be a good way to go.
Ahh righty. Thanks for putting in the time to explain it. Right now im deciding between 3 EQ's.

The ART HD 131 31 Band.
The ART HD 231 31 Band for the future ability to run stereo.
Behringer FBQ-3102 for the same reason as above but slighty cheaper.

Ahh the choices :D