Radio rock mix (Tool, Crossfade, I dunno) Real everything

sounds pretty cool, I think the snare is a little to real and roomy sounding I would prefer something a little more direct and dry, and the second vocal layer is a bit to loud throughout most of it. I would be more selective with where i brought it up so audibly to make the sections with it more important feeling. I would also like to hear a touch more kick. It really sounds great though, these are pretty minor nitpicks. They sound like baby Shinedown.
The snare samples themselves had a bit too much overhead/room when I exported it, so it naturally has a super roomy sound. Plus, I really turned that room mic up in the mix! I was trying to make it sound realistic though, so I'm glad you think it sounds real :). I was thinking the same for the kick as well, I'll nudge it up a tiny bit. What do you mean about the second vocal layer?

Other than that, thank you for the words! This is the first band I've recorded where I really took everything 100% seriously as they are extremely talented musicians, and damn good for a 3 piece.
Well it sounds like the vocalist doubled himself, kind of harmonizing with himself a bit. I think it sounds really great during the chorus sections and the more soaring parts during the end. I was just trying to say that i think the vocal would feel a bit more intimate during the verses if the secondary takes were lower in volume or just not always there. But yeah man, great job it sounds like this band should sound if you know what i mean.
Well it sounds like the vocalist doubled himself, kind of harmonizing with himself a bit. I think it sounds really great during the chorus sections and the more soaring parts during the end. I was just trying to say that i think the vocal would feel a bit more intimate during the verses if the secondary takes were lower in volume or just not always there. But yeah man, great job it sounds like this band should sound if you know what i mean.

Yep, there's for sure doubling of the same part plus a harmony in most of it. To be honest I'm not really familiar with this genre, I just know a lot of the times there are tons of vocal tracks going on, so I just recorded a double + harmony with every line. I'll play some more with it and see what I can do with it.
Bass player is saying there's no low end and it's sounding thin. How accurate is his statement?
Bass player is saying there's no low end and it's sounding thin. How accurate is his statement?

Well when the band hits together the bass might be a tad stronger in the mix. The intro sounds awesome, and the mix itself is very nice.
I think the guitars+bass pack lacks a bit of that lover octave. There is a nice roaring/barking definition of bass guitar in the midrange, it should stay where it is imho. Adding more lows to the bass will do the job. Was it Rickenbacker?

Oh, by the way, the snare room is sweet, but the way it reminds of itself all the time through the mix is a bit fatiguing IMHO.
I think boosting up that kick or just adding a really sub heavy direct sample would help anchor the mix a bit more. I think the bass guitar sounds pretty good but if you want to attempt bringing it up you could try duplicating the bass track and just filtering around the sub area and then sidechain the kick to it so they arent fighting and eating up all your headroom. I think calling the mix thin is a bit of an overstatement, its very good and will probably translate as well as its going to without a pro mastering job.
Thanks guys! I listened to the mix in the car, the low end of the kick is super crazy high. I think it has to do with the fact that a 55hz sine was gated to it, haha. I'll turn up the actual attack and turn the low end down on the kick. The bass was a custom Jazz bass, sounds burriful. Thanks for the tips guys, I super appreciate it!
Mix sounds great dude, can't really comment on the lows as I've only listened on headphones but I agree that the snare sounds a bit too roomy. Sounds awesome as far as roomy snares go though, but it could be a bit drier. Could possibly try adding a dry sample in underneath the roomy one? Loved the song though, who's the band? Guitar solo was awesome too, Morello as fuck :D

EDIT: This thread made me go on a Crossfade spree and reminded me how much I loved them :p
The bands name is Brompton, they're a 3 piece here from Houston, Texas. I'm going to remove the reverb then since everybody thinks the snare is too roomy. Is anyone getting ear rape from the guitar solo? In the car it ripped my ear to pieces in the 2-4k area.
Love it dude, sounds great. I think I'm in the same boat about that snare though. Sounds too roomy for this stuff. But otherwise, fantastic!
The snare is about the only thing that doesn't fit with the song. And by only thing I mean ..

"Why did you post this commercial song and change the snare?" This is that good, to my ears anyway. Great job. 10/10 I would pay for this on Itunes.

Everything sounds put together, maybe the yelling vocals needs to come up +3-4db, and the harmony can be flattened out so they sound on par and together, but that honestly is just nitpicking for perfection. I think it's pretty freaking great the way it is.

If my opinion means anything haha.

Plus, what did you use for the clean/almost distorted tone in the beginning, I love it.
You mean the guitars in the intro? It's just the single notes from the amp track with a lot of reverb, the KVR Reverb that sounds like shit, haha. If you're actually talking about the bass, the bass tone was ran through an Eden footpedal preamp that distorts on harder picked notes which sounds pretty cool.

Thanks so much for the words! This is seriously almost overwhelming at how good the responses are, thanks so much guys :cool:

I thank my monitors, the Equator D5. Complete game changers.

Mix has been updated!
If you're comparing it to Tool's recent productions - you're way off the mark mix-wise?

For a modern mix though, it sounds pretty good. I'd say that there's some backing vocals & screams that are buried. Would be nice to hard pan them and bring them up.

Guitar's are a bit nasal, but it works for the mix. Good separation on the instruments because of that though.

I like the band & your mix having said all that.

[I'm not a huge fan of the snare sample triggering though. It really does sound robotic - more velocities or choice of hit samples would finish the mix..]
Everything has been taken into consideration. Final update has been posted, and the band is in love with it. What do you guys think? I could use a few more listens to see if it translates well on other systems. Is anyone getting anything harsh? Is the low end translation decently?
Lol, I agree. The band kept saying MORE DELAY MORE DELAY, and now they have this. I'm going to pull back on it.