C cyanopsis Member Dec 11, 2001 187 2 18 47 Falun, Sweden Sep 8, 2005 #1 FYI the 'ol P3 Rock radio station does a special on Opeth in a couple of hours... tune to http://www.sr.se/p3/rock/ Also, be sure to brush up on your Swedish!
FYI the 'ol P3 Rock radio station does a special on Opeth in a couple of hours... tune to http://www.sr.se/p3/rock/ Also, be sure to brush up on your Swedish!
Zlatan_Ibrahimovic Forza Juve! Sep 3, 2005 40 0 6 52 Rochester, NY (USA) Sep 8, 2005 #3 Thanks dude! listening to it now......... Is that Mikael talking? It sounded like him talking in swedish before they started playing Beneath The Mire.......
Thanks dude! listening to it now......... Is that Mikael talking? It sounded like him talking in swedish before they started playing Beneath The Mire.......
Zlatan_Ibrahimovic Forza Juve! Sep 3, 2005 40 0 6 52 Rochester, NY (USA) Sep 8, 2005 #4 Yup........ That's Mikael...... Wish I could understand Swedish
D Deadlift Member Oct 17, 2002 1,387 0 36 Sweden Visit site Sep 8, 2005 #5 You can listen to the show again on the site if you missed it. (it will be online 1 week until the next show)
You can listen to the show again on the site if you missed it. (it will be online 1 week until the next show)
L0bster OneTwo! Feb 28, 2002 1,188 1 38 Stockholm Visit site Sep 8, 2005 #6 The original version of "The Grand Conjuration" was according to Åkerfeldt a much more technical / fast tune. I must say I would've liked to hear that version.
The original version of "The Grand Conjuration" was according to Åkerfeldt a much more technical / fast tune. I must say I would've liked to hear that version.
Korlich So Judah fucked it up Jul 28, 2003 954 1 18 Århus, Denmark Sep 8, 2005 #7 nice interview, I guess the next Opeth album is about a man possesed by obscure 60`s LP´s