Radiohead -- In Rainbows

Radiohead are a bunch of talented dudes and dudettes blah blah yaddi yaddah but God Thom Yorke's voice as beautiful as it is can tires me sometimes.

It s whiney like "oh God the weight of the world is on my shoulders, please God make it stop, I am so sad inside."

I even wonder if Radiohead isn't the reason we have emo bands today with the hole self lothing thing. ( isn't creep an emo anthem ?)


Radiohead is fucking great, The bends and onwards...was never really a fan of Pablo Honey. New cd is awesome!
Radiohead are a bunch of talented dudes and dudettes blah blah yaddi yaddah but God Thom Yorke's voice as beautiful as it is can tires me sometimes.

It s whiney like "oh God the weight of the world is on my shoulders, please God make it stop, I am so sad inside."

I even wonder if Radiohead isn't the reason we have emo bands today with the hole self lothing thing. ( isn't creep an emo anthem ?)

I do think they are a bit overrated.

But still good.

I mean, a band who has written Streets Spirits Fade Out deserve a high place in the Jedi Archives.

Stay Nu Metal !

I actually think John Dowland is responsible for emo, what with songs like "flow my tears" and all
I really believe Thom Yorke should buy a Village People compilation, rent a couple of Farelly brothers movies, bang the latest 17 year old super model ( the line "I sing in Radiohead" should do the trick !) and see that life is not all gloom and doom.

Come on Thom, I know you can do it, you know, having fun ...

Stay Power Metal and Evil !
Yeah, considering the last line in the last song on In Rainbows is "Because I know today has been the most perfect day I've ever seen."
It sure SOUNDS emo, though. I really like a couple of the songs - Weird Fishes/Arpeggi is probably my favorite, Videotape being nearly as good. The thing that bugs me about it is basically the whole thing sounds incredibly cold, dead and icy. It sounds like there are dead spots in between every note or something, it's really bizarre and hard to explain. It's rather off-putting. Overall though, a giant leap up from the last two.
I really believe Thom Yorke should buy a Village People compilation, rent a couple of Farelly brothers movies, bang the latest 17 year old super model ( the line "I sing in Radiohead" should do the trick !) and see that life is not all gloom and doom.

Come on Thom, I know you can do it, you know, having fun ...

Stay Power Metal and Evil !

i see you write the same bull every six-seven months about radiohead. do you actually give the band another chance now and then?
after about 10 listens this is definitely good stuff, Kid A is still my favorite but this isn't too far behind.

In spite of Radiohead letting fans pay whatever they like for a CD download of their latest release 'In Rainbows', the Oxford-based band has made quite a mint off the album. While fans only paid about half of what new CDs cost in stores, Radiohead has made nearly $10 million dollars (about £4.8 million) in less than a week.

If what is happening is for real, a revolution in the way audiences receive their music may change the music industry forever. A poll made my had a total of 3,000 participants saying on average they paid £4 for the album. Multiply that by the 1.2 million copies of the album now on fans' computers, and you get £4.8 million pounds!

Because Radiohead is no longer affiliated with a record label, the vast majority of the 'In Rainbows' profit will go to them, with minimal overheads. Compare this to selling it through an online store (iTunes, Snocap, etc), and they could only see as little as 25% of that profit.

really happy for them.........its a great thign to see teh artist actualyl recievieng teh most of teh profts...instead of the hungry money bastard labels....thoguh then again...they are an established band...adn their fame was able to get tehm so many d/ls......for a new woudl be an impossibility....though a new band could hire a publicity/advertisement firm.......anwyayz....good for tehm......Im happy for'em....PEAC EOUT

In spite of Radiohead letting fans pay whatever they like for a CD download of their latest release 'In Rainbows', the Oxford-based band has made quite a mint off the album. While fans only paid about half of what new CDs cost in stores, Radiohead has made nearly $10 million dollars (about £4.8 million) in less than a week.

If what is happening is for real, a revolution in the way audiences receive their music may change the music industry forever. A poll made my had a total of 3,000 participants saying on average they paid £4 for the album. Multiply that by the 1.2 million copies of the album now on fans' computers, and you get £4.8 million pounds!

Because Radiohead is no longer affiliated with a record label, the vast majority of the 'In Rainbows' profit will go to them, with minimal overheads. Compare this to selling it through an online store (iTunes, Snocap, etc), and they could only see as little as 25% of that profit.

really happy for them.........its a great thign to see teh artist actualyl recievieng teh most of teh profts...instead of the hungry money bastard labels....thoguh then again...they are an established band...adn their fame was able to get tehm so many d/ls......for a new woudl be an impossibility....though a new band could hire a publicity/advertisement firm.......anwyayz....good for tehm......Im happy for'em....PEAC EOUT

phenomenal news....all the money actually going to the artist rather than lawyers, producers and other intermediates nearly twice our age! haha!
phenomenal news....all the money actually going to the artist rather than lawyers, producers and other intermediates nearly twice our age! haha!

Well you say that like lawyers, producers, and everyone that worked hard to make a better record and generally assist the band don't deserve compensation for the finished product. It's real easy for something like this to work when youre the best band in the world to a lot of people. Let's let Agalloch do that on their next album and see how many millions they rake in. Of course they would make all the money theyre given by fans, but the tactic works really well when its headline news.
i can't believe it's only 160kpbs! you might as well play it underwater! and cut off my nutsack while you're at it!
i can't believe it's only 160kpbs! you might as well play it underwater! and cut off my nutsack while you're at it!

It's 160 kbps with an mp3 encoder that doesn't suck ass, aka I'll be very surprised if most of the people that bitch about the bitrate are able to detect a difference once the actual thing comes out. I do agree it should have been 192 but anything over that is reaching the point where all the extra bandwidth isn't justified cause only extreme audiophiles can actually hear a difference.