
Nov 8, 2001
New York City
The show was pretty a different venue, this could've been one of the best performances I've ever seen. Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks were decent, I guess, but the crowd wasn't really into them, and I'd only listened to their albums a couple of times each, so I couldn't follow the songs especially well. They didn't play any Pavement tunes and the guitarist made a stupid joke about not accidentally going to the arsenic tent which was right next to the beer tent and then they left.

Radiohead played for about two hours, and their setlist was fucking fabulous; it was really heavily drawn from Hail to the Thief and Kid A, which I think are two of Radiohead's best, so I was very happy. I think they played five songs from Kid A (not "Optimistic", but "Idioteque", "Kid A" [which was fucking AWESOME], "Everything In Its Right Place" and more), which is, like, half the album.

They did "Creep" but nothing else I recognized from Pablo Honey; four or five songs from OK Computer ("Airbag", "Paranoid Android", "Lucky", "No Surprises", and maybe "Climbing Up the Walls"? NOT "Karma Police"), and a few from the Bends ("My Iron Lung") and Amnesiac (the Amnesiac version of "Morning Bell", and "Like Spinning Plates"). No "Fake Plastic Trees", no "Just", and also no "High and Dry", which made me very happy. I like "High and Dry", but I think it's one of the worst/most simplistic Radiohead songs, best suited for playing on a guitar at a party at 4am while everyone sings along.

I guess the show cemented my notion that Radiohead's not going to be remembered as having any sort of "slump" in their albums; they're all great and classics. It also reinforced my notion that in five or six years OK's not going to be seen as the pinnacle of their creative achievement, and considering the quality of OK, that's an amazing thing.
i'm glad it was so good. my friend that went said it was like a bizarre religious experience because she's been obsessed with them for so long.