Radiohead - Kid A

Knives out is a brilliant song! Its more like their older stuff, it coulda easily been on OK Computer, so why don't some fans like it?

Just wondering.

ps. It pretty much goes without saying a Radiohead fan has to like OK Computer, thats my preconception. If you don't like it your not a real fan? who thinks thats true? I do to an extent, it is kind of a perfect album.

...Orchid A! :lol:
Originally posted by Static

ps. It pretty much goes without saying a Radiohead fan has to like OK Computer, thats my preconception. If you don't like it your not a real fan? who thinks thats true? I do to an extent, it is kind of a perfect album.

...Orchid A! :lol:

eh, I know someone who only has pablo honey and the bends and thinks pablo honey is their best album ever. *COUGH* I guess hes not tr00 ;)
apparently their next album is gonna be more guitar based, so i can see jonny picking his guitar up again. thom said that he really missed playing/writing the rocky stuff, which is cool, as long as they don't sacrifice the experimental edge they've gained in their latter two albums.
To tell you the truth I think Pablo Honey is crap.
The Bends is good but for some reason I don't really like just doesn't have that indefinable 'something' that would make it a classic.