Radiohead - Kid A


Manically depressed robot
May 5, 2002
Wellington, NZ
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Its weird but I never really liked Radiohead, yet on some strange whim I purchased Kid A and I don't really know why, *shrugs*.

What do you think of this CD? Its really electronic, really minimalistic and calm most of the time. Its really hard to make out distinctive melodies in a lot of the songs. Its so progressive and odd for the band that made OK Computer (although that CD was progressive, just not like this). I love it, for some reason I can't understand it really is amazing music, kind of the sound of the future.

Standout songs - Optimistic - This is a very cool tribal like song. It has a retro feel to it and good lyrics and singing.

The National Anthem - Groovy, groovy bassline, which the band keeps going throughout the whole song, electronic noises, trumpets and oddities are heard over the top of it, and the song as a whole is constant yet strange and alien.

Idioteque - This song floors me every time I hear it. It is so simple, a sharp, triangular (?) drum beat, some shifting keyboardish sounds and Thom's haunting singing. It is slow and oh oh so spooky sounding, and yet the song could be considered boring because not much happens in it. This is where the weird part comes in: its one of the most arresting and frightening songs I've ever heard. And I don't know why. Its just awesome. Its like swimming with neon-coloured sharks in an iron tank of beer (!).

Who else can appreciate Kid A, by Radiohead, what I see as a modern masterpiece of music! (I understand there is a wide chasm of opposing views on this disc).
amnesiac isn't quite as minimalistic as kid a, but still very experimental and kind of wanders into almost jazz like sections in several of the songs. they still pretty much tap from the same vein though, if you like kid a you'll like amnesiac.
I'd say that Amnesiac is to some degree better, it's a bit darker.
I mean, for example, take the song "you and whose army", what a tune, the melody sounds so isolated and lonesome, or "knives out", that is for sure one of my best liked songs from Radiohead, this main melody is just awesome.
I bought amnesiac after I saw pyramid song in the television, that song is outstanding, really emotional and it´s so cool how the drums come in very laid back...
I love radiohead.
Kid A is my most played cd ever. it was my first radiohead cd. it just never gets boring. and they never, ever repeat themselves. each song (esp on kid A and amnesiac) sound so different. i love pyramid song and knives out and everyone i know hates it. :confused: i think theyre working on another album now, wonder what they'll do this time. ;)
radiohead used to be amazing, but from Kid A and onwards I've been quite disappointed. my favourite song of theirs is probably paranoid android, genius. I just wish jonny would pick up his guitar again.
In my opinion Kid A is by far the best Radiohead album (I can't say about amnesiac, I haven't heard it). I don't know why but it sometimes remind me of "Perdition City". And Idioteque is indeed a beautiful song...