
God, this band is just pure fucking magic....

They may be the only band to have three "best album"s, not just one.
Just recenlty got more into this band. as of now I own Pablo Honey, Kid A, Ok Computer, The Bends and In Rainbows. I tend to enjoy the more electronic side of this band, probably becasue that is what I heard first, so Kid A and In Rainbows are my favorites. the Bends has some real stand out tracks though. I really dig Fake Plastic Trees. I am looking to get Hail To The Thief next. That is the first album I heard and have not listened to it in a very long time. I love the bands ability to totally trance me out. Albums like Kid A in particular.
Is there anyone here who doubts the power of this band?


if you do not recognize the greatness of this song

then you FAIL AT MUSIC


Got. dayum.
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For me Radiohead is a GREAT band that has a few songs that kill me. This is the greatest. Every time I hear this song I die a million deaths and live a million lives. I picture every dream I've imagined and every sorrow I've experienced. For me this may be the apex of beauty.

you guys always make it sound like Radiohead has the answer to the meaning of life. I tried countless times and never heard it.

these guys can't possibly know the "answer"
