
There's definitely a similarity between Radiohead and Muse (especially the singers), but I doubt there's any lawsuit... I don't keep up on news like that, so I really have no idea, but it sounds far-fetched.

I definitely recommend anyone who likes Radiohead to check out Muse's albums. "Showbiz" is kinda similar to Radiohead's "The Bends". "Origin of Symmetry" has a slight electronic edge, yet it seems to be more influenced by old music styles... One song is tango-ish, one sounds like it belongs in a detective movie set in the 1920's, some slightly classical sounding stuff, etc.... Both albums are pretty much equally good.

As for Radiohead, I order them:

1. OK Computer
2. The Bends
3. Hail to the Thief
4. Amnesiac
5. Kid A

I haven't heard Pablo Honey...
Space Ghost, if you haven't already, get the Airbag ep and the Paranoid Android single, as both are just as good as Ok Computer.

As for Muse, the vocalist is actually what I would say is the least sounding like Radiohead part. He does sound a bit like Thom Yorke, but he reminds me far more of Jeff Buckley.
a band that sounds like Radiohead? must check out! Radiohead is excellent, love them, every cd is great, even if it was hard for me to get into Kid A after OKComputer...
Violet Baudelaire said:
a band that sounds like Radiohead? must check out! Radiohead is excellent, love them, every cd is great, even if it was hard for me to get into Kid A after OKComputer...

You'll be spending a lot of time checking out bands then, hehe.

You should also check out Kent along with Muse. And the newest Anathema material is similar to Radiohead...

For a similar theme but different style to Ok Computer, get Grandaddy's material such as their excellent album The Sophtware Slump and the pretty good followup Sumday (which features the excellent Ok With My Decay which is probably the best getting old and dying song I've heard).

Also, Porcupine Tree is a must for Radiohead fans. Get Signify, which is almost on par with Ok Computer for complete excellent and Stupid Dream which is easily on par with The Bends for pop / rock perfection.
Ive got Antimatters "saviour" but it reminded me more of Portishead than Radiohead.
Anyway I'll get Porcupine Tree then, as its not the first time I hear it mentioned... problem is, I dont have any downloading programs so i'll have to go on a quest to get my hands on a cd. thanks for the suggestions though.
Antimatter isn't really like Radiohead at all. Anathema's latest, A Fine Day to Exit, is similar in some aspects to Radiohead. If you like them, you'll love that album.

If you want a good downloading program with no spyware, try Soulseek.
Yeah I love Radiohead, I'll have to get this Airbag EP of which LA speaks. My album order

1. The Bends
2. Kid A
3. OK Computer
4. Hail To The Thief
5. Amnesiac
6. Pablo Honey...
ah sorry you said Anathema, i read Antimatter for some weird reason. Anyway, i love anathema already :)
LuminousAether said:
Here's what you need, in the order you need it:

Ok Computer
Airbag (How's My Driving?)
The Bends
Kid A
Hail to the Thief
Pablo Honey
any other singles

I agree 100%

Radiohead are excellent! Very innovative. One of the all-time best bands imho.

Also, ya...Porcupine Tree are fuckin awesome too.