Ragnarokkr 2014: mystery band

so much for our mutual understanding of no dirty laundry in public!!! HA!!!!

YEah, of course, there will ALWAYS be bands who have specific financial demands that hold them back from playing more.

Bottom line there are many bands out there from the past who have zero clue that they may be in demand.

Why are you focusing only on the bands who have taken a lot more incentive to get things going??????

fixed....old agreement still stands
A proper Squadron reissue would sell quite well.
Are you listening Jeremy Golden????????????
Get in there before someone else does, because I know it will happen someday.

Dude I tried, like so many other bands; Hammeron, Jersey Dogs, Kidd Gloves, and countless many others there was no reply. Seriously I could make a long list of the bands who either did not reply or once they did just were not easy to deal with simply because they did not want to put in any effort. I tell you there would have been a lot of cool stuff is the bands would have only played ball. And believe it or not the issues were never over right or money or stuff like that, it always came down to the various members could not take the time to step away from the football game on tv Sunday afternoon in order to go into the attic and dig up the materials.i never understood it, it is not like it was costing them anything but a little time. They would have gotten a cool release, prepares a spring-board to re-jump start the band or other projects, or whatever. But a lot of bands seem to be clueless or not look at the benefits.
It worked out so well for Blacksmith and could have turned out even better if they were able to steer things correctly. As soon has I announced the reissue on Facebook less than five minutes later they were invited Germany. At this point the full band had not spoken or seen each other i two decades. Granted the first invite fell through months later, but HOA came up and invited them over. The same thing happened with ESP; once I announced that one they were asked to come to HOA, unfortunately ESP were not a band and talks of reuniting failed.
People still contact me about some of the stuff I was working on like glacier. That project was gooing nowhere fast and I ended it a few years ago but people still ask when it is happening. hAHA
So many good bands, good albums, etc and well it is not due to my lack of trying that this stuff is not making its way out.
I's hard to believe but some of the people who were in these great 80s bands that we worship are actually embarrassed about it now and would prefer to just put it behind them.