Raising volume without clipping


Feb 23, 2008
This is a pretty noob question but it's something I've always had a problem with. Most of my mixes clip a lot (or at least the waveform is; its pretty much a full bar) because I have the volume high. The problem though is that when I turn the volume down, the mix is super quiet. I'm guessing I should use a lot of compression? The thing is that I don't want it to sound too compressed, and using too much compression makes it clip even more). So basically how can I raise the volume of a mix and make it sound in your face while avoiding clipping?
turn the mix down, turn speakers up while mixing
then get the tracks mastered and THEN deal with volume.

2 instances of gClip, one taking off a little bit, and one being a bit more liberal. clamp down til you can hear audible clipping, then ease off until you cant, then ease off a little bit more (there was a post here ages ago about some guy sitting in on a mastering session of some of his mixes in a PROEPR listening environment and all this inaudible clipping was all of a sudden audible, so just take it easy with the clipping like)
maybe some mild compression with a fast attack, low ratio and a small (-1, maybe -2) amount of GR.
maybe clip again
put a limiter on and turn it up slowly and carefully listening for how it affects the audio.

should be able to get -10db RMS fairly transparently that way.
Yep, all down to doing little bits of compression/clipping/limiting to get your volume up.

Search for a thread called "getting your loudness" lots of good info in there.
That's for clipping ;)

I really like Voxengo Elephant and I'm sure there are many others here who would agree it's a great little plugin!