RAKOTH - Tiny Deaths reviews

Goth Nation magazine

This is the third album from experimental Russian group Rakoth. While "Tiny Deaths" is in some ways a follow on in style from their previous releases, it is certainly even more daring, and perhaps less accessible for the average listener. "Tiny Deaths" is certainly not the best starting point for someone looking to explore the work of Rakoth, and those fans who enjoyed their music purely for the black metal aspect could be a little disappointed by this offering. The term 'Avant-garde' seems to get thrown around in every Rakoth review I've ever read, and I see no point in avoiding the trend, as their music is certainly that. Flute, guitars, keyboards and emotional vocals with some spoken word all combine to create something that is aural art rather than mere music. A mixture of ambient, medieval, folk music and a smattering of black metal is the best overall description of "Tiny Deaths". It is an atmospheric composition and I'd consider it fairly easy listening even in its harshest moments, of which there are certainly less than on Rakoth's recently re-released masterpiece "Planeshift". At worst this is a good album and those who have developed a taste for the eccentric offshoots of black metal (deranged individuals such as myself) may consider this album not far short of brilliant.

Rustam said:
Uhh... I must repent. We always (before, of course) played BLACK (the truest possible) and FOLK (yes, sure - genuine Russian FOLK - any questions?) - now we have betrayed the very idea of metal. Oh damn we regret. From now on we will return to our roots (do you trust me?) and will always make music our fans (uh?) expect us to make. We will analyze those pointed out good pieces to find out what is really good in them - to ensure we make only decent music in future (if any, heheh).

P.S. (for Mike): It was not my voice in 5:19 - 5:33 piece of "Dawn". You write a review and people expect you to give them info you're sure about. Can they trust you otherwise? :tickled:
Сердитая рецензия, ничего не скажешь. Какая неприятность. Придётся идти в открытое море без "фанов" и, тем более, рецензентов. Гы-гы...

't was brillig war...
....нужно чаще встречаться....[adverr]
Однозначно - нужно чаще встречаться. Критика принимается, хоть и не по существу, но в целом оправдана - мало рооботы, это вам не софт от мелкософт.