Ralph Santolla and new Deicide album..

3DimensionalAperture said:

I don't understand! If these guys really consider themselves followers of Christ (that's a big difference from claiming a certain denomination), then how can they allow themselves to be associated with such images, lyrics, etc.? This Ralph guy seems to be upset about the picture of Christ (which he should be) and that's fine, but he's a member of Deicide for cryin' out loud! :u-huh:

I don't want to argue with anyone about this, but I have to admit, I'm blown away here! :zombie:
I have yet to hear this album, and as a longtime Deicide "fan" I really should. I LOVE Ralph Santolla and 100% believe he makes this album damn good.

I will also go on the record of saying Deicide's first few albums are untouchable, true gems in the shaping of extreme and brutal death metal. VERY influential to the art of the genre. Now I will also say their last few albums have been pretty laughable, as well as anything Glen Benton is currently involved in (minus his brief stint in Vital Remains). He is a joke. A piece of shit. A HUGE hypocrite and an overall stain to the metal scene. I kept missing Deicide live for what felt like an eternity, and when I finally got the chance to see them live Benton was counting the songs left about 10 min into the show. Sadly said, he wasn't the only one counting the songs left 10 min in, LOL ;). Deicide blows. Dechristianize on the other hand is one of the best brutal DM records concieved in a long time. I love how during live performances they dressed him in a leather armor suit, so you could pretend it wasn't him singing, haha. Jeers to Deicide's Stench. I will hear it eventually.
The other point I decided to leave out of the first post in direct relation to what you were saying, edgeofthorns. The band is DEICIDE. Their existence is based on "HATING GOD AND DEFYING CHRIST. DEATH TO GOD AND HIS PATHETIC RELIGION. DESPICABLE JESUS." RAWR....

...And THEN someone posts a banner for one of their shows depicting Jesus with a gunshot to the head and an inverted cross. And the show gets cancelled because of it. And European countries ban Deicide and their hatefelt music. AND GLEN GETS PISSED! " How could these assholes promote my band with this offensive shit and give people the wrong idea and cancel my show and tour because of this horrible sabotage!!!" ... Maybe because that's what your band is supposed to be all about, you idiot money grubbing closet Christian. Fuck your worthless band and your hypocitical, contradictory outspoken opinions. This bullshit was probably the last straw for me and mr Benton. It's like Slayer. How can I listen to CHRIST ILLUSION when I know the voice of the devil is now an outspoken Christian, contradicting everything his art stands for? Everyone has their own beliefs, I hope I don't sound like i'm bashing any religions. It has nothing to do with that whatsoever. It's all based on the outspoken-ness to the music. Let the music do the talking and believe what you want to believe. When you attempt to mix the 2, you just lose your credibility on both sides. I'm done ranting here, haha.
I met Benton during a Jon Oliva's Pain show near Tampa. He was nothing but nice to my brother and I. I may not know how well/bad he does business and touring so I can't comment on that. I just wanted to share my opinion influenced completely by how he acted with us.

edgeofthorns said:
I don't understand! If these guys really consider themselves followers of Christ (that's a big difference from claiming a certain denomination), then how can they allow themselves to be associated with such images, lyrics, etc.? This Ralph guy seems to be upset about the picture of Christ (which he should be) and that's fine, but he's a member of Deicide for cryin' out loud! :u-huh:

I don't want to argue with anyone about this, but I have to admit, I'm blown away here! :zombie:
Because it's like what I always tell people when this nonsense is brought up. It's ENTERTAINMENT. That's all it is. It's an image to go along with the music. Watch the WWE wrestling and figure it out for yourself. It's just ENTERTAINMENT.
Emerald Sword said:
Because it's like what I always tell people when this nonsense is brought up. It's ENTERTAINMENT. That's all it is. It's an image to go along with the music. Watch the WWE wrestling and figure it out for yourself. It's just ENTERTAINMENT.

Well, you stick with your kind of entertainment and I'll stick with mine. If we were talking about any other religion besides Christianity, then all of the bashing, hate lyrics, and imagery would be unacceptable to you, right?

Hopefully not, but that's usually the way it goes.......:Smug:
edgeofthorns said:
Well, you stick with your kind of entertainment and I'll stick with mine. If we were talking about any other religion besides Christianity, then all of the bashing, hate lyrics, and imagery would be unacceptable to you, right?

Hopefully not, but that's usually the way it goes.......:Smug:
Ummm...no. Why? Because Christianity seems to be the only religion that it's not "politically incorrect" to bash.
edgeofthorns said:
Well, you stick with your kind of entertainment and I'll stick with mine. If we were talking about any other religion besides Christianity, then all of the bashing, hate lyrics, and imagery would be unacceptable to you, right?

Hopefully not, but that's usually the way it goes.......:Smug:
Had you read my earlier posts, I am a PRACTICING CATHOLIC. My point being is that music is entertainment. My faith will never change or be shaken by ENTERTAINMENT. Apparently Ralph Santolla and Tom Araya believe this, also. They are in bands to have fun and earn a living. I don't get why sometimes people make these guys and their music something more than it is.
I'm noticing a scary trend between these 'Christian/Catholic' rockers and lyrical content that goes entirely against what they apparently believe. Tom Araya claiming to be Catholic and releasing Christ Illusion sort of makes my stomach turn. This isn't just a religion battle here, and it isn't specifically about image. I could care less about what the band's mascot looks like. The lyrical content has great impact on their fanbase...and Slayer specifically is world-renowned for attracting the kind of crowd Tom can't bring with him to church. If it was satire, they've still got everybody fooled in my opinion...Tom might not have any issue with the lyrics he writes just as how I can look at their lyrics, laugh at how rediculous they are, and can still enjoy Reign in Blood every now and then. Not everybody reacts this way, Christian or not. What Tom fails to realize (probably out of respect of $$$) is this little Satanic money making baby that they've got going in Slayer is paying his bills at the cost of doing great damage...the music they create has been the inspiration of many crimes committed against the church and church figures...murders, vandalism, etc. Tom isn't really looking beyond himself in this case. I don't give a shit if he feels unaffected by any of his lyrics, because he's not the guy going out and buying the album and killing somebody later that night.

I'm going to catch shit for this. :)
Benton is indeed a prick. I deal with various people that have put on shows/fest including his bands. He walks around with a chip on his shoulder and plays the rock star attitude quite well.

I am a huge death metal/grind metal fan but deicide bore the heck out of me.
ragingsaxmachine said:
I'm noticing a scary trend between these 'Christian/Catholic' rockers and lyrical content that goes entirely against what they apparently believe. Tom Araya claiming to be Catholic and releasing Christ Illusion sort of makes my stomach turn. This isn't just a religion battle here, and it isn't specifically about image. I could care less about what the band's mascot looks like. The lyrical content has great impact on their fanbase...and Slayer specifically is world-renowned for attracting the kind of crowd Tom can't bring with him to church. If it was satire, they've still got everybody fooled in my opinion...Tom might not have any issue with the lyrics he writes just as how I can look at their lyrics, laugh at how rediculous they are, and can still enjoy Reign in Blood every now and then. Not everybody reacts this way, Christian or not. What Tom fails to realize (probably out of respect of $$$) is this little Satanic money making baby that they've got going in Slayer is paying his bills at the cost of doing great damage...the music they create has been the inspiration of many crimes committed against the church and church figures...murders, vandalism, etc. Tom isn't really looking beyond himself in this case. I don't give a shit if he feels unaffected by any of his lyrics, because he's not the guy going out and buying the album and killing somebody later that night.

I'm going to catch shit for this. :)

People who commit crimes against the church don't need slayer's lyrics to have reason to fight against the church. The church gives one enough reasons to fight against it.

I understand the things that have been said about "entertainment" as it relates to the WWF and such. I don't believe for a minute that many of these bands live a life style in which they portray in thier music.

Having said that, one thing is disturbing. It's one thing to portray yourself as a "METAL GOD" or whatever, and another thing to "pretend" to be a satanist in the name of entertainment. For me and or you it really dosen't mean anything that Tom is playing this game, however, for him it is down right scary. If I was doing what he was doing for entertainment sake and I thought that my eternal soul was saved I would be mistaken.

Does he really thing that GOD is going to take into account the "entertainment' angle of what he is doing? GOD wants his followers to lift him up not tear him down. And although there are a few of you who understand that this is only entertainment, there are many more that do not get it.

Jesus said if you deny me before man, I will deny you before my father. Tom has done more than deny Jesus and he has glorified Satan in his place.

1st corinthians says: Be careful, however, that the exercise of your freedom does not become a stumbling block to the weak.

Tom has been a stumbling block and contiues to do so for the weak.

2nd corthinans says: We put no stumbling block in anyone's path, so that our ministry will not be discredited.

By calling himself a Catholic, he discedits Catholics and the Church. The Church and Catholics have a hard enough time as it is without his "help".

Bottom line is this, you can not have your cake and eat it too. You are either with GOD or against him. He does not want it half way. In Relvelations he said: So then, because thou art luke-warm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit thee out of my mouth.

Here's the deal. If your a satanist or an agnostic or athieast and you want to do satatanic music, DO IT. You got nothing to lose in your minds. However, if you think that because you go to confession and tell tell a man in a box that you have done bad things and that will make it all goods with god, well then, in the words of Judas Priest, You got anther thing coming.

I am not trying to come of as a better than thou Christian becasue I am not. Yes I am a Christian but I have my problems as well. I am not perfect and will never be. However, I never intend to making a living on Satan while planning on going home to Jesus.

That's just my two cents.
while this last cd is covering alot of anti religion, slayer isn't a satanic band. They have songs covering world war II and many topics.

It comes to how you were raised. I listened to Black Sabbath at a very early age. It has many dark themes. Did that make me a bad person? I turned out to be a pretty successful well rounded person. I am an anti religious agnostic person out of choice not due to what any band told me.

Bands like Slayer or Cannibal Corpse or heck Alice Cooper are like horror movies put to music. I go to see a horror movie, get scared for 2 hours, let out some stress from my daily life, then I move on.

A person that will take them seriously are alittle whacked in the head to begin with.
tattooedsean666 said:
while this last cd is covering alot of anti religion, slayer isn't a satanic band.

I recognize that they are not Satanists, yet they cater to a very widespread group of anti-religious, and yes, some Satanic individuals. FatesFan hit the argument on the nose as I see it. Tom might be Catholic, but I can say by the music and lyrics he and his band continue to write that he's not serving his God very well.

The point is, Ralph is apparently the biggest ass in the world from what I hear. How bout that?