Ramblings of an insomniac


I rule at everything
Oct 28, 2002
Queensland, Australia
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Yeah so I went and spent a shit load of money on new cds... you see I usually just download albums and burn them off but I do like to support the artists that need it even though I am a poor-arse student and am sometimes forced to eat styrofoam. Some of what I got:

Vehemence - God was Created
Vital Remains - Dechristianize - what awesome cover art!
Misery Index - Retaliate

Everybody should own these albums.

What else what else... I'm fucken bored cause I just got home from work (3am in the morning, fucken subway) and can't sleep.

I had sex while listening to EOR real loud last night. Do that. It's awesome. I don't know that my gf appreciated it though...

Heh, look at my new sig. How new and improved.
