Ran across some "You might be a jedi redneck" jokes.....hilarious!


Sep 25, 2001
Ok, I love redneck jokes but these are even better.

Here goes:

You might be a Jedi redneck if you have a gas powered light saber. ( I always laugh my pants off when I read this one :grin:)

You might be a Jedi redneck if you made a light saber from beer cans and a T.V. remote.

You might be a Jedi redneck if you ever use telekinesis to pull your jeans up.

You might be a Jedi redneck if that 'Disturbance in the Force' was just last night's baked beans and spare ribs.

You might be a Jedi redneck if your land speeder has a gun rack.

You might be a Jedi redneck if you call Yoda your Li'l green buddy.

You might be a Jedi redneck
if your Jedi robe is Camouflage colored.

and the last one:

You might be a Jedi redneck if you jump-start your light saber off a car battery.

Anyone know some more?
You might be a REDNECK if you use the "O" on the stop sign in front of your house to sight your new rifle.

:grin: :grin: :grin:
You might be a Jedi Redneck if you use a Jedi mind trick to stop the beer truck.
