1. I was reading a research article that I picked up when I was at the Northeastern Evolutionary Psychology Society Conference and it said that people who are very dominantly right handed were more likely to be extremely religious, because the corpus collosum (area that connects both hemispheres) was weakened and made it more difficult for them to incorporate new information if there was a conflict with what they already believed. Consequently, they were "stuck" believing either what they learned first (what they were told as children), or whatever was easier to believe without putting forth effort toward critical analysis of said belief.
2. I know a guy through another forum who became Christian as a teenager and was extremely defensive about his position because we "didn't know what he had been through." One of his arguments was that he knew God was real because when he thought about Jesus, he felt loved and he insisted that there was no psychological term to explain how people can feel that way, or scientific basis for how he felt, which clearly meant that it was God. I replied that the word "conditioning" was in fact a common word in the vocabulary of psychologists and that it could easily be explained as mild, undiagnosed schizophrenia or some other form of psychosis. He never posted in that thread again.