random thoughts of the day

just finished bioshock 2, im actually shocked that a sequal could be this amazing, the last 20 minutes were such an adrenaline rush, i actually lept out of my seat up from the excitement

ending was .... just incredible
I liked it quite a bit, but it was too damn short. My favorite part was getting the perspective of the little sister. Trippy shiat.

The third is already confirmed. Considering this was more of the same, they had damn well better drastically change things up next time. *Spoiler: Hopefully they follow Eleanor as a big sis in a totally new local. Not quite sure how they'll top Rapture though ...
^ really, i found they fixed a lot of awkward things from the first, like how the camera was a video camera, so you just start shooting and it auto switches the weapon. and how you could use plasmids and a weapon at the same time.

and yeah *spoilers* playing as the big sis would be awesome (although hard since theyre so damn fast), i got the good ending, it was such a sad end too, but still amazing *end spoilers*
Those are very minor tweaks, and additions. Nothing substantially improved or drastically changed. They made a big deal about being a big daddy, but it's essentially no different from playing Jack. Delta is a very weak model big daddy, and it doesn't take much to bring him down. It's not like you're really noticeably slower to begin with either; not to mention you get that fleet foot perk right off the bat anyhow. Also the under water sections were another thing they had touted, but really there was only short instances of point A to point B. If 2K wants to keep milking it as a franchise then they're going to need to do something besides stand in the original game's shadow.
Seems UM.com dont mind members posting links to other forums so thats what i ment by speaking my lingo. Was the J-MOD worth it?

Ya man...J-Mod is nice...but Rizzo has done quite a few and is a friend of mine so it was easy for him to come over and do it. I think total we spent 4-5 hours on it. If I could recommend anything to you it would be to get an SX3 tune from Blue Oval Chips. After the Mods I have done, I had to do it...but seriously it was worth every penny ($400).

J-Mod is just cool because you hit gears hard as hell. I mean...really its better for your trans...although I typically drive aggressively..so maybe not for me..

nothin like bangin into second and getting sideways in a 4 door sedan :)