random thoughts of the day

I dreamed I was going to go to a Kata show in Madrid* and then found out there was a Anathema show as well. I was all happy I was gonna see the Katz for the first time and Anathema again, and both at the same time. Meanwhile, the world was in ruins, strange clouds and "things" were falling from the sky. I don't know why but I didn't care.

Then I woke up and realized it was all just a dream... :(

Stupid dreams.

* That must have to be with the fact my mother was in there a few days ago I suppose.
I really like this picture:
Katatonia are playing in Dublin in August!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

stefan86 said:
Jonas hair growth is unbelievably fast :p
Yeah... the bastard :bah:

Noituudenaika said:
Hehe yeah.. a lot of my friends thought that too (they are all in love with Eddie Vedder)
In my teenage years, when I liked Nirvana, Pearl Jam and all that stuff, I used to like Eddie Vedder too. I still like his voice very much. Ever heard the soundtrack of Into the wild?

Oh and I wish I could see the Katz in Argentina... Maybe my dream of yesterday is a premonition, who knows... haha.
I wish my hair grew that fast. >.>


I diagnose my mom a tenniselbow and send her to the doc. He confirms this, but what does he do? Inject corticosteroids and that's it. Its sad to see the stereotypes you pic up during your study years confirmed. Attention doctors everywhere: We now know THIS DOES NOT WORK. Cut it out already.
In my teenage years, when I liked Nirvana, Pearl Jam and all that stuff, I used to like Eddie Vedder too. I still like his voice very much. Ever heard the soundtrack of Into the wild?

Into the Wild's soundtrack to me is classic. Vedder's voice and the lyrics inspired me. he nailed it well.
you guys should give it a try, a long with the movie