random thoughts of the day

Oh hey, any of the germs ever heard of Handsome? This band is great...I think the Katatonia krowd can appreciate them.

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I feel like sharing some music!

Ben Frost, I think this guys music is awsome (and he has a cool name aswell). I dont really know how to describe it, some sort of electronic/ambient/noise or something.

Her Name Is Calla, this is probably one of the best bands I've found out about in a while. Very dark shit, reminds me of some Kayo Dot (mostly the vocals), some Radiohead and post-rock in general.

Dälek is amazing. I've hated all the hip-hop I've heard since I stoped being a retarded 13 year old untill now. This is truly amazing, give it a chance or two because this was an eye-opening experience for me. At the moment these guys are opening for Tool on Tools current tour.

Il Balletto Di Bronzo, this is a hidden jewel in my opinion. This album(Ys) is one of my my favourite prog albums. You might have heard Åkerfeldt talking about this band, that's how I found out about them.

Part one on the song.

Part two.

Tan Dun, this is in my opinion the best soundtrack ever made and stands on it's own feet as an album aswell.
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